Aegon I Targaryen - Lord of the Seven Kingdoms,Protector of the Realm,King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men

4 min readApr 4, 2023


Aegon the Conqueror is a legendary figure in the history of Westeros and the founder of the Targaryen dynasty. His conquests were legendary, and his name was feared by all who dared to stand in his path. With his keen intellect and fierce determination, Aegon swept aside kingdoms and shattered empires, leaving a trail of triumph and glory in his wake. He was a ruler who understood that true power lay not just in the strength of his sword arm, but in the hearts and minds of his people.

Aegon Targaryen was born on the island fortress of Dragonstone in 27 BC. He was the youngest son of Lord Aerion Targaryen and Lady Valaena Velaryon. Aegon was born into a family that had ruled over Dragonstone for centuries, but he had a vision to conquer the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

Aegon Targaryen and his sisters

When Aegon was only fourteen years old, he and his sister Visenya, who was one year older than him, were sent to the Freehold of Valyria, where they learned about the Valyrian culture and their magic. They also visited the city of Volantis, where they were impressed by the size and wealth of the city, and by the power of the dragonlords who ruled there.

After two years in Valyria, Aegon and Visenya returned to Dragonstone, where they were joined by their other sister, Rhaenys. Aegon had a plan to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, and he knew that he needed dragons to do it. Luckily, Dragonstone was home to three dragons, which had been left behind by the Valyrians when they fled the Doom of Valyria.

Aegon knew that he couldn’t conquer Westeros alone, so he sent out emissaries to the major houses of the Seven Kingdoms, inviting them to submit to his rule. Many of the lords ignored his invitations, but some, like House Velaryon and House Celtigar, pledged their allegiance to him.

In the year 1 AC, Aegon and his sisters launched their invasion of Westeros. They rode on the backs of their dragons, burning and destroying any army that stood in their way. The lords of the Seven Kingdoms were shocked by the power of the dragons, and many of them submitted to Aegon’s rule.

Aegon’s first conquest was the Iron Islands, which he easily defeated with his dragons. He then turned his attention to the Reach, where the lords of the region had raised an army to resist him. Aegon and his sisters burned their way through the Reach, defeating the armies of House Gardener and House Hightower.

Next, Aegon marched on the Westerlands, where he faced the combined armies of House Lannister and House Reyne. The Lannisters were the richest and most powerful of the Westerosi houses, but they were no match for Aegon’s dragons. Aegon burned the armies of House Reyne and House Tarbeck, and the Lannisters were forced to swear fealty to him.

Finally, Aegon marched on the kingdom of the Stormlands, where he faced the armies of House Durrandon. Aegon defeated them, and their king, Argilac the Arrogant, was killed in battle. Aegon took Argilac’s sword, which became known as the Blackfyre, and claimed the title of King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aegon established his capital in King’s Landing, where he built the Iron Throne, a massive seat made of swords, to symbolize his rule over Westeros. He also founded the Kingsguard, an order of knights who were sworn to protect the king and his family.

After his victory, he declared himself the “Lord of the Seven Kingdoms” and “Protector of the Realm”. He also styled himself as the “King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men”, symbolizing his intention to rule over all the peoples of Westeros.

Aegon’s reign was marked by numerous accomplishments, including the construction of the Red Keep in King’s Landing, the creation of the Kingsguard, and the unification of the Seven Kingdoms under a single ruler. He also established the feudal system of government, in which the lords of the Seven Kingdoms swore fealty to him and pledged to provide him with military support when necessary.

Aegon the Conqueror as people’s champion

Aegon ruled for thirty-six years, and during that time he consolidated his power over Westeros. He was succeeded by his son Aenys, and later by his grandson Maegor the Cruel. Aegon’s legacy lived on, however, and his descendants would continue to rule Westeros for nearly three hundred years. His conquest of Westeros marked the beginning of the Targaryen dynasty, and the reign of the dragons over the Seven Kingdoms. However, as the dragons died out and the Targaryen dynasty weakened, Westeros was plunged into chaos and conflict, leading up to the events of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Aegon the Conqueror

