VRF- Verifiable Random Numbers

Naresh Mohanraj
3 min readJun 13, 2024


What Are Verifiable Random Numbers?

Imagine you’re playing a board game with friends, and you need to roll a dice to decide your next move. You want to be sure that the dice roll is fair and random, so no one can cheat. In the world of computers and blockchain, we also need random numbers for many tasks. Verifiable Random Numbers (VRNs) are like using a transparent dice that everyone can see to ensure fairness and randomness.

How Do Verifiable Random Numbers Work?

On a blockchain, we want random numbers to be:

  1. Fair: No one can predict or influence the outcome.
  2. Verifiable: Everyone can check that the number is indeed random and fair.

To achieve this, we use special techniques and cryptographic algorithms. Here’s a simple way to understand it:

  1. Random Seed: Imagine you have a secret ingredient that you mix into a recipe. This secret ingredient (called a “seed”) helps create the final dish (random number). The seed is initially hidden but later revealed so everyone can see it was used correctly.
  2. Combining Inputs: Think of making a smoothie with ingredients from multiple friends. Each friend adds something without knowing what others added. This ensures no one knows the final taste until it’s blended. In blockchain, multiple inputs from different sources combine to create the random number.
  3. Public Verification: After the number is generated, everyone can check the recipe and ingredients (the process and seed) to ensure nothing was tampered with, much like watching a replay of the dice roll.

Real-Life Analogy

Consider a lottery draw. Instead of just trusting the lottery company, imagine the whole draw process is live-streamed, and the machines used are transparent so everyone can see the balls being mixed. Verifiable Random Numbers work similarly by providing transparency and verifiability in the number generation process.

Use Cases of Verifiable Random Numbers

  1. Lotteries : To ensure fairness, VRNs can be used in online lotteries. This prevents any chance of rigging the outcomes.
  2. Secure Voting Systems: In online voting, VRNs can randomly select a sample of votes for auditing, ensuring the integrity of the process without bias.
  3. Gaming: In video games, VRNs ensure that loot drops, character stats, or event outcomes are fair and unpredictable, enhancing the gaming experience.
  4. Blockchain Smart Contracts: Many decentralized applications (DApps) require randomness. For example, in a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol, VRNs can help fairly select winners for prize pools or random airdrops.
  5. Scientific Research: VRNs can be used in simulations and studies that require random sampling, ensuring that the samples are truly random and unbiased.


Verifiable Random Numbers on blockchain provide a transparent and secure way to generate random values. Just like using a transparent dice ensures fairness in a board game, VRNs ensure fairness and trust in digital applications, from gaming to secure voting and beyond. By using these methods, we can confidently build systems that everyone can trust.



Naresh Mohanraj

Seasoned Software Developer and Blockchain Specialist skilled in Solidity,JavaScript,and Web3. Dedicated to transforming ideas into advanced software solutions.