Airbnb’s Collaborative Culture

Case Study

Naresh Sekar


Airbnb, a leading online marketplace for lodging and tourism experiences, has experienced rapid growth since its inception in 2008. One of the critical challenges Airbnb faced during this period of expansion was maintaining a collaborative culture. By fostering a culture of open communication and cross-functional teams, Airbnb successfully scaled its business while preserving strong team collaboration. This case study explores the strategies Airbnb implemented to maintain its collaborative culture, highlighting key milestones, outcomes, and lessons learned.

Background Information

Founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, Airbnb began as a simple platform to help people rent out extra space in their homes. The idea quickly gained traction, and Airbnb expanded its offerings to include entire homes, unique accommodations, and various travel experiences. The company’s mission is to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere, fostering human connections and community.

As Airbnb grew, it faced significant challenges related to maintaining its collaborative culture. Rapid growth often leads to increased complexity, communication barriers, and siloed departments. To address these challenges, Airbnb focused on fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration…



Naresh Sekar

Loves Engineering Management at scale. Interested in learning via real-world case studies.