Resolving the “Cancel Rendering Route” Error in Next.js by Switching from Hash Params to Query Params

Naresh Pingale
2 min readJul 9, 2023
Error: Cancel rendering route

When working with Next.js, encountering the frustrating “Cancel Rendering Route” error during page reloads can hinder the smooth user experience. However, a straightforward solution lies in switching from hash parameters to query parameters. In this blog post, we will explore the root cause of this error and explain how transitioning to query params resolves it, ensuring consistent rendering and optimal performance in Next.js.

Understanding the Root Cause: The “Cancel Rendering Route” error stems from Next.js’ attempt to cancel page rendering when interrupted by a reload. This behavior, designed to optimize performance, often clashes with hash-based routing. By utilizing URL hashes, the browser internally handles navigation within a page, bypassing the server-side rendering process during reloads, leading to the error.

Benefits of Query Params:
Transitioning from hash params to query params offers several advantages:

  1. Reliability on Page Reloads: Query params ensure the server-side rendering process remains intact during page reloads, resolving the “Cancel Rendering Route” error.
  2. Enhanced SEO and Crawlability: Search engines interpret and index query parameters more effectively, potentially improving your site’s visibility.
  3. Simplified Debugging: Query parameters provide a clearer URL structure, facilitating easier identification and debugging of issues.

Making the Switch: To implement query params and eliminate the error:

  1. Update navigation links, replacing hash-based links (e.g., /#section) with query-based links (e.g., /?section=section).
  2. Ensure server-side code handles query parameters appropriately to generate the desired page content.

Conclusion: By transitioning from hash parameters to query parameters, you can overcome the “Cancel Rendering Route” error in Next.js. This adjustment guarantees consistent server-side rendering, improving the user experience and maintaining optimal performance. By updating navigation links and embracing query params, you can eliminate the error, enhance your application’s reliability, and improve SEO. Enjoy seamless page reloading and provide your users with a smoother browsing experience in Next.js.

Note: Remember to adapt the provided solution to suit your specific Next.js application and consider any unique implementation requirements or existing codebase.



Naresh Pingale

🌍 Frontend Web Developer 🖥️ | Mumbai 🇮🇳 | Embracing the Present ⚡UI/UX Critic 🔍 Living life, one line of code at a time 🍻