How to display multiple locations on the map and show related information on user hover(like

Narges Mirzaaghaei
2 min readNov 14, 2021


I think the users prefer to view the information of the locations on the map by hovering or clicking.
If you ever have tried to find a property on, you can see all properties on the map and you can find useful information about each property by hovering on a related marker.

If you, just like me, enjoy this cool feature, keep on reading. I am going to teach you how to implement a map like in a few simple steps.

If you prefer video tutorials, you can find a video version of this article on YouTube otherwise continue reading :).

The below script deploys a basic map. I used leaflet.js for creating the map. If you need more details you check this article: How to embed Open Street Map in a webpage (like Google Maps)

let mapOptions = {
center:[48.8702, 2.3368],
let map = new‘map’ , mapOptions);let layer = new L.TileLayer(‘http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png');

Next, I define a variable and assign an array of objects to it. each object contains the information of a single place.

let locations = [
"id": 1,
"lat": 48.8702,
"long": 2.3368,
"src": 'images/1.jpg',
"title": "Mizuumi Boutique Hotel",
"id": 2,
"lat": 48.8741,
"long": 2.3368,
"src": 'images/2.jpg',
"title": "Hotel Sulina International",
"id": 3,
"lat": 48.8724,
"long": 2.3428,
"src": 'images/3.jpg',
"title": "Iaki Conference & Spa Hotel",
"id": 4,
"lat": 48.87,
"long": 2.3397,
"src": 'images/4.jpg',

Now for adding markers to each location, I use foreach method.

Foreach method executes a provided function, once, for each array element

for ( let i = 0 ; i< locations.length ; i++){
new L.Marker([,element.long]).addTo(map)

Up to here, the result would be:

In order to show and hide the information, I use mouseover and mouseout events:

locations.forEach(element => {
new L.Marker([,element.long]).addTo(map)
.on("mouseover",event =>{'content').openPopup();
.on("mouseout", event => {;

In the next step, I replace the “content” text with HTML:

locations.forEach(element => {
new L.Marker([,element.long]).addTo(map)
.on("mouseover",event =>{'<div class="card"><img src="'+element.src+'" width="80" height="80" alt="'+element.title+'"> <h3>'+element.title+'</h3></div>').openPopup();
.on("mouseout", event => {;

And the final step is adding a click event for redirecting the user to the target page:

locations.forEach(element => {
new L.Marker([,element.long]).addTo(map)
.on("mouseover",event =>{'<div class="card"><img src="'+element.src+'" width="80" height="80" alt="'+element.title+'"> <h3>'+element.title+'</h3></div>').openPopup();
.on("mouseout", event => {;
.on("click" , () => {;

The final result:

Let me know if this article was useful for you :)

