Spirulinx — Nutrition Made for Mars

Narin Yüksek
9 min readMay 9, 2024


Mars may be the next frontier for humanity, but how will we survive in its harsh environment? Enter Spirulix, the visionary company poised to revolutionize life on the Red Planet. By genetically modifying Spirulina, nature’s powerhouse, Spirulix aims to create a self-sustaining ecosystem capable of producing oxygen and nutritious food.

Are you ready to take the leap into the cosmos with Spirulix?

In our previous article, we discussed the potential of genetically modifying the cyanobacterium Spirulina (Arthospira planetsis) to enable its survival on Mars — A significant step towards establishing a sustainable nutrition source for Martian missions.

To address the challenges regarding Spirulina’s survival in harsh extraterrestrial environments like Mars, we at Spirulix explore the application of gene editing techniques to optimize Spirulina for radiation resistance, low atmospheric pressure, large temperature swings, and reduced accessible CO2.

We tailor Spirulina strains to astronauts’ nutritional requirements with the help of gene editing via CRISPR-Cas9 technology, therefore ensuring optimal health and performance during space travel.

Additionally, we employ advanced bioprocessing methods to improve nutrient bioavailability and digestibility, mitigating concerns regarding nutrient absorption and utilization in microgravity or Martian environments.

Growing & Consuming Spirulinx

Spirulina is known for its high protein content and is often considered a valuable source of nutrition from harvesting its biomass. Spirulina can contain around 60–70% protein by dry weight, making it one of the most protein-dense foods available.

Under optimal conditions, Spirulina can double its biomass in just a few days. Biomass yield can be measured in terms of grams of dry weight per liter of culture, and it can range from a few grams per liter to over 20 grams per liter in well-controlled commercial production systems.

Spirulina is also known for its rapid growth rate, which is one of the reasons it’s often cultivated for its nutritional and commercial value. Under optimal conditions, Spirulina can double its biomass in as little as 24 hours.

Here’s how we’re processing our modified and optimized Spirulina!:


The first step in this processing pipeline is harvesting. Here, the Spirulina biomass is collected from a cyanobacteria pond.

For a 3,066g (3.066kg) spirulina target per 30-day cycle:

  • At 0.8g/L, this requires 3,066/0.8 = 3,832 liters of culture volume

A pond size of 8m x 8m x 0.6m would be 3,840 liters, which should suffice.

As for water recycling/reuse, we capture and recycle as much water as possible:

  • 3,840 liters initially to fill the 8x8x0.6m pond
  • Replenish with 384 liters (10% of volume) from other sources per cycle
  • 270 liters of urine nutrient input per cycle
  • 150kg regolith nutrient supplementation per cycle


The biomass is then subjected to a separation process, such as centrifugation, to remove excess water and concentrate the biomass.

Centrifugation is an efficient separation technique that uses centrifugal force to separate the Spirulina cells from the culture medium based on their different densities.

This method is particularly well-suited for use on Mars as it minimizes water consumption and can be designed to be robust and low-maintenance, making it easier to maintain sterility and prevent contamination in the harsh Martian environment.

Vacuum Drying

After dewatering, the concentrated Spirulina biomass undergoes a drying process to remove any remaining moisture. The best drying process would be a low-temperature method like vacuum drying, which can maintain the nutritional quality and bioactive compounds present in the Spirulina.

Unlike conventional hot air drying, vacuum drying operates under low-pressure conditions, allowing the moisture to evaporate from the Spirulina biomass at much lower temperatures.

This gentle drying approach helps preserve sensitive nutrients like vitamins, pigments, and antioxidants that might otherwise degrade under high heat exposure.

During vacuum drying, the dewatered Spirulina biomass is loaded into the drying chamber, which is then sealed and evacuated to create a near-vacuum environment.

As the pressure drops, the boiling point of water decreases significantly. Controlled low-level heating is then applied, causing the residual moisture to vaporize and get continuously removed by the vacuum system.

This efficient removal of water vapor prevents the buildup of moisture around the drying biomass.

The low-temperature, oxygen-depleted conditions of vacuum drying inhibit oxidation reactions that can damage heat-sensitive compounds. Valuable bioactives like phycocyanins, which give Spirulina its rich blue-green color and have anti-inflammatory properties, are better retained through vacuum drying compared to harsher thermal drying methods.

Moreover, the vacuum drying process happens in a closed system, minimizing exposure to potential Mars contaminants and maintaining the sterility of the dried Spirulina product.

With careful optimization of temperature, pressure, and drying time, vacuum drying can yield a shelf-stable Spirulina powder with maximum retention of its original nutritional profile while being well-suited for the resource-constrained Martian environment.

Milling and Grinding System

Once dried, the Spirulina biomass is fed into a milling or grinding system, which is crucial to increasing the surface area of the Spirulina.

This can improve its bioavailability and enable easier incorporation into various food products or supplements. To do this, the spirulina must be broken down into a fine powder using a ball mill or a high-speed impact mill.

The choice between a ball mill and a high-speed impact mill will depend on several factors, including energy efficiency, particle size requirements, and ease of maintenance in the Martian environment.

Ball mills are more practical for milling Spirulina on Mars. These mills operate by rotating a cylindrical drum filled with grinding media, such as metal balls or ceramic cylinders. As the drum rotates, the grinding media tumbles and impacts the Spirulina biomass, gradually breaking it down into smaller particles through repeated collisions.

Ball mills are advantageous due to their simplicity and robustness. They have few moving parts, making them relatively low-maintenance and less prone to breakdowns in the harsh Martian conditions. They can achieve very fine particle sizes, which can improve the bioavailability and dispersibility of the Spirulina powder in various applications.

Proper enclosures and containment systems would also be crucial to prevent the release of fine Spirulina powder into the Martian atmosphere, which could pose a health hazard to the astronauts. Automated or remote-controlled milling systems could be implemented to minimize human exposure during the milling process.

Additionally, the milling equipment would need to be designed for easy disassembly, cleaning, and maintenance, as the buildup of fine powder can lead to equipment wear and potential contamination issues over time.

Sieving and Packaging

After the milling stage, the Spirulina powder undergoes a crucial sieving process to ensure a consistent and uniform particle size distribution. On Mars, this would involve a multi-stage sieving system consisting of a series of sieves or meshes with different pore sizes.

The milled powder is first fed onto the coarsest sieve, which separates out any larger particles or agglomerates that may still be present despite the milling. These larger particles can then be recycled back into the milling process for further size reduction.

The powder that passes through the initial sieve is then transferred to the next sieve with a smaller pore size, further refining the particle size range. This process can be repeated across multiple sieves until the desired final particle size is achieved. Incorporating vibration or agitation mechanisms can help prevent clogging of the sieve pores and improve overall sieving efficiency.

Since the main function of our powder will be to add nutrition to water, coffee shakes, and other drinks, we would need a fine powder with an ideal particle size of less than 20 microns. Based on this, the system would be:

  1. After the initial milling stage, a coarse sieve of around 100 microns to remove larger particles.
  2. This would be followed by an intermediate sieve of around 50 microns.
  3. The final polishing sieve with a pore size of 20 microns will allow only particles less than 20 microns to pass through.

Careful consideration must be given to the choice of sieve materials that will withstand the abrasive nature of the Spirulina powder and resist wear over time.

Once sieved to the target specification, the final Spirulina powder is collected and packaged in airtight containers or pouches. This preserves the quality of the nutrient-rich powder and prevents moisture absorption, enabling its long-term storage and subsequent use as a valuable food source for the Martian settlers.

Consumption Options

Spirulinx — Powder Form


  • Drinking this water pre and post mission along with taking it once every 5 days in-between will ensure no nutrient deficiencies.


  • Per 1/4L coffee of your choice including any added sweetners or milk, mixing 2g of spirulina powder is recommended.


  • Per cup, 2–3g of spirulina powder may be mixed with 1g of vanilla or chocolate powder to create delicious and nutritious shakes.

Overall Timeline

Lastly, let’s look at the breakdown of our 40 day processing period.

Spirulina Growth in Cyanobacterial Pond

  • Growth cycle of around 25–30 days to reach harvestable density

Biomass Harvesting

  • Centrifugation to separate water: 1–2 days
  • Vacuum drying to remove remaining moisture: 2–3 days

Milling and Sieving

  • Ball milling to powder form: 1 day
  • Multi-stage sieving to <20 micron particle size: 1–2 days

So just the core spirulina growth and initial powder processing would likely take around 30–38 days per batch/cycle.

Additional Factors:

  • If the pond needs recharging nutrients/water between cycles: +2–3 days
  • Regular system cleaning/maintenance cycles: +3–5 days periodically
  • Transitioning between temperature phases if required: +1–2 days

Overall, a reasonable expectation for the total cycle time from inoculating the ponds to having a finished powdered spirulina product could be:

Baseline time: 35–40 days per cycle

With maintenance/transition periods: 45–50 days per cycle


By following this processing pipeline, the Spirulina biomass cultivated on Mars can be transformed into a shelf-stable, nutrient-dense powder that can serve as a valuable food source or ingredient for the Martian settlers.

The processed Spirulina powder can be easily incorporated into various food products and supplements or used as a source of protein, vitamins, and other essential nutrients, contributing to the long-term sustainability and self-sufficiency of the Martian colony.

Necessary Considerations

While genetic engineering offers powerful tools to optimize this nutrient-rich cyanobacterium, it is crucial to ensure that any modifications are thoroughly evaluated for their potential impacts on safety, ethics, and long-term sustainability.

One of the primary considerations is the biosafety of the genetically modified organism (GMO). Rigorous testing and risk assessments would be necessary to ensure that the modified Spirulina strain does not pose any unintended risks to human health or the Martian environment. This includes evaluating the potential for horizontal gene transfer, allergenicity, and any unintended effects on metabolic pathways or cellular functions.

Lastly, one of the challenges to overcome is Spirulina’s distinct and often unpalatable taste. Many describe spirulina’s flavor as earthy and fishy, which can be off-putting for some palates. However, this issue becomes less problematic when spirulina is processed into a fine powder form. The dried and milled spirulina powder can then be seamlessly incorporated into a variety of other food products, effectively masking its strong flavor profile.


Imagine a future where Spirulina, a humble microorganism, is genetically modified to thrive in the harsh environment of Mars. With strategic genetic enhancements, Spirulina could serve as a crucial resource, producing nutrient-rich food for astronauts on long-term space missions.

This approach not only tackles the logistical hurdles of space exploration but also heralds a new era in human expansion beyond Earth. Through genetic engineering, we pave the way for a future where Spirulina becomes a cornerstone of sustaining life beyond our home planet, offering a practical solution for interstellar habitation.


  • Life support systems in space provide astronauts with essential resources like food and oxygen for survival.
  • Spirulina, a type of cyanobacteria, shows promise as a sustainable food source and oxygen generator for space missions, particularly for Mars.
  • Its nutritional profile, efficiency in resource utilization, and ability to thrive in harsh environments make it an attractive option. However, to consume Spirulina, you have to go through processes and turn it into a powder.
  • Processing Spirulina for its biomass involves steps like harvesting, dewatering, vacuum drying, milling, sieving, and packaging to create a shelf-stable, nutrient-dense powder suitable for Martian settlers.
  • Careful optimization and maintenance of processing equipment are crucial to ensure the quality and safety of the Spirulina powder for long-term storage and use in Martian colonies.

