Explainability: Bringing clarity to ML

Use Python package SHAP to understand and explain your models.

10 min readAug 24, 2022
Photo by Dan DeAlmeida on Unsplash

This post will walk you through how to use the Python package SHAP to make your models more clear and understandable. You can also run it as a Jupyter Notebook from my github.

What is explainability, and why do we need it?

As AI models are playing a more and more important role in people’s lives, we have to be able to explain how they work. Currently there are too many models making recommendations that affect human lives, with a complete lack of explanation as to what factors the recommendations are based on.

For example, many courtrooms are using algorithms to make decisions about sentencing. People using the algorithms to make these life-changing decisions often do not understand why a particular prisoner is granted or denied bail. In some cases the programmer understands how a model works but the end user does not, in other cases nobody knows what variables a model is using.

I have two goals for explainability in my own work: 1) to be able to understand why a model makes a particular decision and 2) be able to explain it to other people.

This post will walk you through a basic overview of what Shapley values are, and how to use them with the Python SHAP package to help explain your models. It’s based on the SHAP documentation, but simplified. I’m hoping to save you some of the time that it took me to figure out how they work!

Installing shap:

pip install shap


conda install -c conda-forge shap

Starting with Linear Regressions

We’ll start out with the simplest possible model, a linear regression, and then move on from there.

Quick review of linear regressions:

  • Linear regression creates a model like: housing price = 10,000 + 3 * age of house in years + 10 * rooms in house.
  • In this example, 3 and 10 are the coefficients. They let us predict housing price plugging in the age of the house and the number of rooms.
  • However, they are not able to tell us how important the age of the house is compared to the number of rooms. The size of the coefficients for the different variables doesn’t tell us how heavily they are weighted in making the prediction.

Now let’s run a linear regression.

We’ll use the famous Boston housing dataset tracking housing prices in 1978.

%%capture output 
# suppress warning-- see comment below

import pandas as pd
import shap
import sklearn

# load the Boson dataset
X,y = shap.datasets.boston()
X100 = shap.utils.sample(X, 100)

# create a simple linear model
model = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression()
model.fit(X, y)

You probably got an error message that the Boston housing dataset has ethical problems, as the data was influenced by racist policies. This dataset should not be used to draw conclusions about housing prices. We’re not using it to draw conclusions about housing here, but to illustrate how the SHAP package works.

Now that we’ve created the model, let’s look at the coefficients:

print("Model coefficients:\n")
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
print(X.columns[i], "=", model.coef_[i].round(4))
Model coefficients:

CRIM = -0.108
ZN = 0.0464
INDUS = 0.0206
CHAS = 2.6867
NOX = -17.7666
RM = 3.8099
AGE = 0.0007
DIS = -1.4756
RAD = 0.306
TAX = -0.0123
PTRATIO = -0.9527
B = 0.0093
LSTAT = -0.5248

What’s wrong with coefficients? Introducing Shapley values.

Right now, measuring the age of the house in years, we get a coefficient of 0.007.

If we measure the age of the house in minutes instead, the new coefficient will be 0.007 * 365 * 24 * 60 =367.92. Suddenly age looks much more important then it did before. However, the actual effect of a change in age on the prediction has not changed.

This is one reason that coeffiecients don’t do a good enough job of explaining how much each variable affects a prediction.

To solve this problem, we’ll use Shapley values.

A Shapley value explains how much a specific variable contributes to a specific prediction.

You can think of a Shapely value as how much a prediction changes when a new variable is added; how much value is added by each new variable.

The underlying math for Shapley values is extremely complex. However, in the case of linear regressions, they become much more simple to calulate.

The next graph shows how number of rooms predicts housing price in our linear model.

shap.partial_dependence_plot("RM", model.predict, X100, ice=False,
model_expected_value=True, feature_expected_value=True)

The blue line shows our predictions of price; the grey lines show the average number of rooms and average housing value.

  • The x axis shows the number of rooms, ranging from 4 to 9.
  • The grey squares along the x access are a histogram showing the distribution of the number of rooms; most houses have around 6 rooms.
  • The y axis is housing price in tens of thousands.
  • The blue line shows predictions. To find the predicted price of a house with 6 rooms, find 6 on the x axis and look up to find the point on the blue line.
  • The grey dotted lines are averages. There is a grey dotted line coming up from about 6.3; this is the average number of rooms. The grey line running across from 22.5 is the average housing cost.

Now let’s zoom in on a single prediction.

The next graph shows how we compute the Shapley value for a single prediction.

# compute the SHAP values for the linear model
explainer = shap.Explainer(model.predict, X100)
shap_values = explainer(X)

# make a standard partial dependence plot
sample_ind = 18
"RM", model.predict, X100, model_expected_value=True,
feature_expected_value=True, ice=False,
Permutation explainer: 507it [00:10, 1.72it/s]

The Shapley value for this prediction is the red line; the distance between the average housing price and the housing price we are predicting.

We’re looking at the predicted house cost when the room value is 5.5. Take a look at the black dot on the blue line (the number of rooms and house price for this particular prediction) and the red line showing how far this value is from the average housing price across all of Boston.

Note that this graph only shows predicted values — we are not looking at any actual observations from real-world houses.

Notice that each prediction has a different Shapley value. For each prediction we make, the weight of variables used to make a prediction will be different.

Each (linear, additive) predictor value we are looking at has a graph like this. If there was a different graph for price of house next door, we could measure the Shapley value for a house with 2.5 rooms on that graph, and then compare the two Shapley graphs to see which factors had a greater influence.

Another way to think about Shapley values.

If we did not know the number of rooms, and we needed to predict the price of a random house, we would predict the average price of all houses in Boston. This price is the horizontal dotted line on the graph.

Now we a single variable: the number of rooms for a particular house. Based on this new variable, we can get improve our prediction and get more specific then the average of all house prices.

Since more rooms means a higher price, and this particular house has fewer then the average number of rooms, we can expect a price that is lower then the average price of all costs.

The length of the red line shows us how much lower then the average price of all houses we expect to be for this particular house.

In other words, the length of the red line tells us how much the fact that this house has 2.5 rooms affects our prediction of the house cost.

This is the Shapley value.

So what? Explaining a prediction with Shapley values.

Now that we’ve gone over what Shapley values are, let’s look at how they can be used.

Earlier we created a linear model with 14 predictor variables. So far we’ve only looked at one variable — number of rooms. Let’s use Shapley values to see how the number of rooms compares with the other 13 variables in the model to predict housing cost.

The next graph shows how all 14 variables affect the prediction of a single housing price.

# the waterfall_plot shows how we use each variable to make a better prediction 
# then the average price of all houses across Boston

shap.plots.waterfall(shap_values[sample_ind], max_display=14)

This graph shows how influential each variable is for a single prediction.

This graph shows a single prediction. For a house with 5.46 rooms, a ptratio of 21, rad of 4, etc, this graph shows how important each variable is in making a prediction.

The most important variables for this prediction are on the top, and they also have the longest bar. For this prediction, number of rooms is most imprtant, followed by the ptratio.

Red squares mean the variable makes the predicted cost of this house higher then average, blue squares lower then average.

You can also read the graph from right to left to see what the prediction will be. Start reading from the bottom.

The average cost of all houses is about 23. Because this house has a dist of 3.796, we add 0.01 to the price we are predicting for this particular house.

The next row up shows us that because this house is 36.6 years old, we subtract 0.02 from the predicted house cost.

Continuing to move up each row in the graph, we can see how our predicted house price will increase or decrease based on a particular variable.

In the last step, we subtact 3.09 and get our final prediction of 16.

This graph can explain a single prediction.

For example, if a judge runs a program and it tells her that a particular prisoner should get a longer sentence, the judge could look at a waterfall graph like this to see why that recommendation is being made.

The graph might show that the main reason this person is getting a long sentence is because he has been convicted of shooting three people. Seems like a good call.

On the other hand, another prisoner’s graph might show that the main reason for her long sentence is because of her zip code. Seems like worth rethinking that one.

So far we’ve showed how to explain a single prediction. But what if we want to talk about all predictions? What if we want to look at the average Shapley values?

There’s a tricky thing here: Shapley values explain the difference between each observation and the mean. If the mean is 0, half will be positive and half negative and they will average out to zero.

The next graph uses absolute values to show how significant variables are across all predictions:


Looking at the average impact of different variables, we can see that lstat is the most important predictor variable on average. Room number is still important, but it’s not the most important on average.

What about if we have a factor that matters a lot for a small number of observations? We can look at the maximum Shapley values instead:

The next graph shows any variables that are deeply influential, but only for a few predictions.


This graph will highlight if there is one variable that doesn’t influence many observations, but when it does it makes a huge difference. In our bail example, we might want prior conviction for murder to work like this. Most people don’t have a conviction for murder so it doesn’t impact the decision, but in those cases where someone does have a previous murder conviction it should trump other factors and lead to a decision to deny bail.

There’s a lot more out there — Shapley values can be used to explain a lot of different kinds of models.

Assumptions and options

So far we’ve been assuming:

  • We are looking at a linear regression model — which simplifies the math and makes Shapley values easier to calculate.
  • We’re assuming every predictor is independent.
  • We’re also looking at additive models. In the graphs above, you see that you can add the effect of each variable to get the final prediction.

SHAP can also work with nonlinear models, non-additive models, and correlated features. These are more complicated and require more research.

SHAP gets more exciting when it’s used on more complicated models. Let’s take a quick look:

The next image shows how SHAP can explain a model analyzing a block of text:

from PIL import Image # just a picture, not the real thing
img = Image.open('nlp_explained.png')

This more complicated example starts to show how SHAP can be useful in explaining more sophisticated models — showing what words and phrases most contributed to sentiment analysis of a movie review.


This has been a quick introduction into why we need explainability, what shapley values are, and how to use the SHAP package in Python to explain your models.

As more and more life-threatening decisions are made by models that are designed to be incomprehensible, we absolutely must do a better job explaining how our models work.

This has just been a start — I’ve covered only some of the material from the first introduction to the SHAP package documentation at https://shap.readthedocs.io. Dig in and let me know what you find!


