An Untold Story of a Diaper

Naropanth San
4 min readSep 8, 2020


When did you last use diapers? No, not seeing them. But using it.

I repeat, when did you last use diapers? Save your answer till the end of this story.

My Sunday routines, let me rephrase. Well, my lazy Sunday routines would be waking up late, having my brunch. Doodling for some time and then go down for a walk [Not literally]. It was no different Sunday, I went down with a book to relax and read for a while. And I chose a play area to do so [am I going to read the book? let’s see]. Kids, their energies and immense positive vibrations are attractive. Watching them play and observing their conversations was a pleasurable sight. I was lost in my childhood thoughts.

But my thoughts got disturbed when I heard some strong voices of ladies who were brisk walking.

Lady 1: It has become a headache these days, half of my earnings are going to Chinku’s diapers. I prefer diapers, but then it has become a really costly affair.

Lady 2: I know, thank GOD my kids are all grown up now.

Image source — elements.envato. com

That scream of Ritesh, “Vihaan, catch the ball” brought back my attention to the kids.

I was smart enough to catch the instinct that, I am going to spend the rest of the evening watching the kids play, until they rest. And then, it was my T time and so I marched back home.

While mom was preparing Chai, I tried to sneak peek at an episode from The Big bang theory. Why I sneak peeked is another story to pen.After being an astronaut, Howard starts sharing the experience of being there, wearing Diapers and more.

Image source — Nuclearsalad. com

Well, If you haven’t watched The Big Bang Theory, I highly recommend it.

I was lost in a thought for a moment. Sigh! It was Sunday and I was relieved that I didn’t have to wear the diapers. Oh! I forgot to tell you, I do wear them to support my nature calls. And there are many fun facts about it.

Types of…

Well, there are many types of it. It is called incontinence pads, briefs, adult diapers, and overnight pull up. Cotton made, chemical free and it comes with different styles too. Like wrap around [which I feel little complex to use].

Let me not bore you with the types and styles of it, but to know how funny it feels like you are not going to miss.

But how does it feel to wear?

After doing all the research, doing permutations and combinations, using diapers was the only option left for me. Even as an infant, I never wore them. As back then, parents preferred homemade underpants. But heard all the stories about it when my friends became moms. And mom’s complaining will be like…

Ah! What a relief, no need to check often.

It was really tough to make my kid understand to pee in those diapers.

I really don’t understand, even after wearing diapers, how my son’s pants are wet?

Image source — istockphoto .com

Trust me, I could relate to each one of them. Initially when I started using them, I was super excited and thought the major problem was resolved. I wasn’t sure of the reason, but I found them still fresh and dry at the end of day. That’s true and that’s the reason when kids start using them, they don’t feel like peeing in those diapers. Ugh! It’s like some huge big pants.

And then, when you start getting comfy, you will be so carefree and think, it’s okay to pee any number of times. And that’s when the dress gets wet. And the direction of the flow becomes unimaginable, uncontrollable [falling short of adjectives]. And mathematically, the flow can take forms of vertical hyperbolic, vertical parabolic or any other form which my knowledge doesn't support to explain mathematically.

But when the thing is done, it is now completely out of your control and you are not sure whether your pants are becoming wet or not. You feel like laughing.

When in doubt, make funny faces — Amy Poehler

Image source — unsplash. com

This is exactly why, sometimes kids laugh when they are in this situation. Kids might not be able to say this, but this is the science behind it.

And the fun fact is, if you get used to diapers. Even if you are not wearing them, you still feel that it is with you. It may sound weird to hear the story of a diaper from an adult. But this Gyan [Knowledge] can be used for your future [either for yourself or for the kids].

Next time, when you see someone smiling, include the above reason in your thoughts. And most importantly, feel free to use them and experience it. Life is short [*wink *wink].



Naropanth San

Always in search of something (Something is a variable)