My First Sanitary pad…

Naropanth San
6 min readSep 22, 2020


Ssshhhhhhhhh… don’t say it loud, what would people think.

Image Source -ahiddensecret. com

The Curiosity bug…

It was the time when stars were aligned in such a way that, whoever was born at that time were blessed with an abundance of curiosity. And I was born at that time too. Well, anything which is more than required doesn’t help the purpose. Just like my curiosity. It was not used for the right purpose. [When you are in the school, the only right purpose is to use for studies.] Cracking logic behind math or science never interested me, but was extremely curious to know about Carefree ad. I was in class 6. Yes! Judge me. And you read it right, the ‘Carefree ad.’ I was not the loner accountable for this fault, there is a share for my family too. Typically, whenever that ad used to pop up, the entire family would find ways to make sure I won’t watch/listen to it. Say for example, talking loudly, asking me to bring something from the kitchen. Believe me, my family excelled in this. Poor them, till how many days could they do. My interest towards knowing this ad built up in direct proportions to the above created scenes of my family.

Love of neighborhood…

I was born in a modern orthodox family. Though the belief system was religious, but me as a kid had few luxuries of breaking certain rules. Usually these type of families chose location to live based on the similar interests and lifestyle [Culturally and religiously]. My grandparents were no different. In addition, the neighborhood had a teenager who was learning violin. What could be the better icing on the cake, for my grandma who was an ardent lover of music? Manju, was 19 then. We became close, she was my go-to person to hang around, play and eventually became big sister-like. It became easy for us to get along the neighborhood.

Image source- Edition.cnn. com

One fine Sunday, me along with other kiddos chose Manjakka’s [Manju + akka (sister in telugu) = Manjakka] place to watch The Jungle Book serial. The other two kiddos were younger to me and they were boys. While we were watching the serial, the ad pops up. Guess? You are bang on right! It was Carefree ad. I still remember that look on the boy’s face, Manjakka’s face and a pin drop silence which made me little uncomfortable but gave me an opportunity to watch and listen to the ad without any disturbance. Everyone maintained a serious atmosphere, no one smiled, and no one talked. But I wasn’t prepared for that moment. Unaware of the circumstances, very casually I ask Manjakka,

Me: “What is this ad all about? What does she say?”
Manjakka: “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, just shut up.”

I slowly walk away after the serial. Fun fact — I was going thru perplexed emotional phase, and wasn’t aware on how to react, whether I should feel shy, embarrassed or upset?

Confrontation, Confusion & Knowledge transfer…

I was way too confused, my mind was bothering with the thoughts,

Why, none is allowing me to watch this ad?
Why, none wants to talk about it?
Why, everyone is Shushing?
Why, Why, Why?

I could no longer be silent and wanted to clear up this air, so brought this topic with her to confront all the questions. Especially, that yell of Manjakka on me while we were watching Jungle book. Sigh! She had her answers ready as if she was prepared for this. And it was just one sentence.

Manjakka: “You will get to know about the ad in detail, whenever it is the appropriate time. In fact, I will explain about it thoroughly then. Now, do not worry about it. Don’t pester me about this daily [She kind of knew me]”

And then, knowledge transfer was done. [Wait, What? Is that all?]

The day when I met…

It was Friday, I was wearing my favorite red frock. My mom left for the office, grandma and grandpa in their routines. I was in 7th grade and it was quarterly holidays. Bi- cycle ride was the first fun activity of the day and I was getting ready for the same. Within half an hour I return due to bad stomach pain [the shortest time span for me to return from activity unless there is a bi-cycle puncture] and the pain was weird too. I just rushed to my grandma, holding belly.

Me: “Do something, this stomach ache is killing me.”
Grandma: “[Addressing grandpa] Listen, take her to the doctor along with her mom.”

Remember? I said, ours was a modern orthodox family? Maybe that’s where these thoughts come from.

Well, I along with my grandpa and mom visit our lady family doctor. And she confirms that I hit my puberty. She gives a list of instructions on the diet routines. Now, I and my mom visit a medical store to purchase, ‘CAREFREE.’ That was the enlightening moment for me. And then all my Why’s were answered and the ad made more sense. It was my first interaction with the sanitary pad. Though later on many brands came, it was my first ever.

Moms are the best…

Nothing away from the truth, we all know. But, to experience; is altogether a different feeling. My mom taught me how to use and wear sanitary pads. I know, most of the girl’s parents would have done the same but still I feel my mom was special. She stood by me until we both were confident that I could handle this at school at the age of 12. Mom was growing with my age. When the girls hit the puberty, there will be hundred things running in their minds.

Image Source — offset. com

Couple of them will be like fear, apprehensions to play with boys, dealing with bodily changes and also thinking all of a sudden did she become a big girl. And all thru the journey mom stands by. Talking about mom, I am reminded of my grandmother. She was the lady always ahead of her generation which inspired me. Though her generation ladies advised her to organize a function to announce my puberty news, which was also a kind of ritual that was followed. Her answer was

Grandma: “No way, why should everyone know about it? And what’s the big deal?”

That was the taboo time for many things. Like preparing girls before they hit puberty, talking about it openly and many more. And this event might differ from family to family depending on various factors. I feel sometimes, this is how it should have been handled. But could have been better too.

Changing times…

My thoughts on not so busy days will be like, if it was how my generation deals, then what would my great grandma told my grandma? How she would have educated her daughter? Did they even communicate on these topics then? I was the only child to my parents, how different it could have been if I had a brother? How supportive could he have been? Are the boys even aware of the process? At the same time how much they should be aware? And then, I get busy with my work.

With the evolution of world in different aspects, sanitary pads evolved too. And the young mothers prepping their young girl child in the right way makes me happy. And it is not just the girls, the boys should be educated too at the appropriate times. So that, they can stand by their sister, friend, girlfriends and wife and be empathetic. Still couldn’t relate? No problem watch Padman movie, it covers many things for a novice on this topic.

Image source- edexlive. com

But, Ssshhhhhhhhh… don’t say it loud, what would people think still exists.



Naropanth San

Always in search of something (Something is a variable)