Sounds Like Heaven!

Laura Carrillo
3 min readOct 5, 2021

The Feng Shui Lady & Her Drum…

Music has the power to heal and clear a space! It can immediately change the frequency and mood in your environment.

My name is Laura Beatriz Carrillo and I’m a certified Feng Shui consultant who is trained in both Feng Shui and Space Clearing. When I perform Blessing ceremonies and do space clearing, music is one of my favorite tools. I have a family of instruments I use in my work that includes Norm my Chippewa Tribe Medicine Duck Frame Drum and Femme my F frequency singing bowl. Employing instruments to create sacred space may “sound” a little hokey and new agey, but there is plenty of science to back it up.

Music is made of sound waves and patterns. The Harmony of form is the self-organization process of nature that is reflected in Sacred Geometry. Another example is Cymatics which studies visible geometric sound vibration, and the phenomenon of shapes and patterns formed in various mediums reacting to auditory stimuli. In fact sacred geometric patterns come to life through sound just as they do in nature.

Yet another example of the sacred power of sound can be found in Solfeggio Frequencies which make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony. Some even say the universe originated from the Om sound.

In my space clearing work I like to use different instruments for different energies and desired outcomes. If I want to release some heavy energies I bring my drum Norm. The drumming has a way of breaking up and breaking through heavy energetic patterns. I can feel the energies run through me and the space when I drum. By the time I’m done there is a release and a calmness that washes over the space. I follow this up with Femme my F Frequency singing bowl. F frequency is said to attune to the heart chakra. The drumming shakes things up, while the bowl harmonizes and then softens the energy. It’s like bathing a space with music. The drum is the scrubbing and the bowl is the rinsing. I also use other tools and elements but music is perhaps my favorite.

When Norm isn’t “working” he hangs on my wall as art. He will periodically sound off. Seriously! I hear him make a drumming sound to emphasize something being said. Guests in my home can attest to this. He loves to dramatically emphasize and confirm a point.

Music has a life of its own and sound is sacred. You don’t even need fancy instruments or spiritual music to receive the benefits of sound. The act of playing uplifting music you love at home will certainly help enhance any space and improve any mood.

To learn more about me and my work visit Blessings from The Feng Shui Lady…

