How To Grow Your Retail Business

Alvin Narsey
3 min readJan 13, 2023


So here you are. Running around like a headless chicken in your retail business. This is not what you had in mind when you got into retail business ownership. I mean, no one ever told you how to grow your retail business, you just thought it would just be easy.
But then, you realise that you have to be armed to face the constant battle to keep up with the competition and you need to put on your clown make up to deal with fun juggling that is hiring and keeping good employees — the list of frustrations seems never-ending.

But, despite all of the challenges, the rewards of owning and operating a successful retail business can be great. So, if you are willing to work hard, and are prepared to face the many frustrations that come with running a retail business, then you just might be successful.

So, here are some easy steps that you can take to answer that question of how to grow your retail business.

1. Know your numbers. This is the most important step in increasing revenue. You need to track your sales, inventory, and expenses to see where you can make changes. Once you know your numbers, you can start making decisions about what products to stock, what promotions to run, and where to allocate your resources.

2. Evaluate your product mix. If you want to increase revenue, you need to make sure you’re selling the right products. Evaluate your inventory and make changes to ensure that you’re selling products that are in demand and that will generate a profit.

3. Offer promotions. Promotions are a great way to increase sales and revenue. Run promotions on your most popular products or offer discounts on entire purchases.

4. Stock popular items. If you want to increase revenue, you need to make sure you’re stocking popular items. Make sure you have the latest products from top brands and that you’re carrying the latest trends.

5. Increase your prices. If you want to increase revenue, you may need to increase your prices. However, you don’t want to increase your prices so much that customers stop buying your products. Experiment with different price points to find the right balance.

6. Offer loyalty programs. Loyalty programs are a great way to keep customers coming back to your store. Offer rewards for frequent purchases or for referring friends to your store.

7. Train your staff. Your staff is a valuable resource when it comes to increasing revenue. Make sure they’re knowledgeable about your products and are able to answer customer questions.

8. Utilize social media. Social media is a great way to reach new customers and increase revenue. Use social media to promote your products and run promotions.

9. Get creative. If you want to increase revenue, you need to be creative. Try new marketing strategies, offer new products, and think outside the box.

10. Stay focused. It can be tempting to try a bunch of different strategies in an effort to increase revenue, but this can actually be counterproductive. Instead, focus on a few strategies and execute them well.

Yes, these seem like the basics, because they are. Who would have thought?

All we need to answer the question on how to grow your retail business involves setting up the fundamentals. Get this right and you will be well on your way to success.

Are you struggling to grow your retail business? The frustration is simply exhausting.
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Alvin Narsey

I help Retailers who are frustrated because they are not grow the business fast enough. 👉🏻 Join My FREE FB Group