Rashmi Narula
3 min readMay 24, 2023


Project Life Cycle and Time Estimation for Tableau-Based Projects: Key Parameters and Parallel Tasks During BRD Sign-Off

In a Tableau-based project, the project life cycle typically follows a similar framework as other projects, including phases such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. When estimating the time for completion of a Tableau-based project, there are several parameters to consider. Here are some key factors to focus on:

Project Scope: Clearly define the scope of the Tableau project, including the specific goals, requirements, and expected deliverables. A well-defined scope ensures a clear understanding of the project’s boundaries and helps in estimating the time required for each task.

Data Preparation: Data preparation is often a critical aspect of Tableau projects. Consider the time required for data extraction, cleansing, transformation, and integration from multiple sources. Data quality and complexity can impact the overall project timeline.

Dashboard Design and Development: The creation of dashboards and visualizations in Tableau involves designing an intuitive user interface, selecting appropriate visualizations, and implementing interactivity and user-driven features. Consider the complexity of the visualizations and the number of dashboards to estimate the development time accurately.

Data Source Connectivity: Evaluate the time required for connecting Tableau to various data sources, including databases, spreadsheets, or web services. Consider factors like data volume, connectivity options, and potential data integration challenges.

Iterative Review and Feedback: Tableau projects often involve iterative review cycles with stakeholders to incorporate feedback and make necessary adjustments. Allocate time for feedback gathering, review sessions, and revision iterations.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Allow time for thorough testing of the Tableau dashboards and visualizations to ensure accuracy, performance, and user experience. Conduct testing for different scenarios, data inputs, and user interactions.

While waiting for sign-off on the Business Requirements Document (BRD), there are tasks that can be accomplished:

Develop a Project Plan: Create a detailed project plan with milestones, tasks, and dependencies. This includes defining timelines for each phase, such as data preparation, dashboard development, and testing.

Identify and Document Data Sources: Begin identifying and documenting the data sources required for the project. Understand the structure and availability of data to facilitate efficient data preparation.

Conduct Data Exploration: Start exploring the available data sources and perform initial data analysis to gain insights and understand potential challenges or limitations.

Prototype Dashboards: Begin prototyping dashboard designs based on the initial understanding of requirements and data sources. This allows for early visualization and validation of the design approach.

Engage with Stakeholders: Collaborate with stakeholders to gather additional insights, validate assumptions, and clarify requirements. Conduct meetings or workshops to align expectations and set project priorities.

Develop a Communication Plan: Prepare a communication plan outlining the stakeholders, communication channels, and frequency of updates. This ensures effective communication throughout the project.

Identify Skill and Resource Requirements: Assess the skills and resources needed for the project and start identifying potential team members or external resources required for specific tasks.

By focusing on these tasks, you can make progress in the Tableau-based project while waiting for sign-off on the BRD. It is important to revisit and refine the estimates as more information becomes available and to keep the project plan flexible to accommodate changes or updates

