Lydian Lion as the Blockchain-Based Complete Trading Platform

Nash nismara
4 min readDec 5, 2019


At present, the world is losing some of its true social interactions. This is because most people prefer to use the internet and telecommunications equipment as a medium to communicate with other parties. Another reason that triggers the loss of social interaction is the convenience that will be obtained by the community if surfing with online media. Where when doing a variety of things with a traditional system and directly still has various kinds of obstacles, such as distant shopping places, cash payment systems and high prices. This is what makes the community will do various kinds of activities with other parties online.

If it continues to be ignored, it is not impossible if the existence of other communities is not valued at all. Whereas social relations are very important in life, because if the community experiences a disaster, then the surrounding community will help. But if the social relations are tenuous, who will help when they get a disaster? This must always be considered by the community, because humans are social creatures who need other humans. To prevent this from getting worse, the Lydian Lion Platform has provided services related to social relations.

Lydian Lion as a Blockchain technology platform that offers a variety of services or products that are correlated with daily activities. Of course, by using services from Lydian Lion you can also provide a variety of products or services and Lydian Lion will use special technology to deliver the product or service to the right buyers. In addition, Lydian Lion will also use advanced features that will connect technology with humans so as to create social interaction. Because as we all know lately many people have diverted almost all of their attention to gadgets, thus ignoring interactions with others.

By using the Lydian Lion service, you are required to carry out these interactions. Because Lydian Lion will give prizes as a form of appreciation to those of you who do various kinds of interactions between each other. Where the prize will be given in the form of a digital currency such as LLion, and can be exchanged for other attractive prizes or products available at Lydian Lion. Of course, by using the services and offers that have been provided by Lydian, it will attract the attention of the community to conduct social interaction because they want to get LLion tokens and will automatically foster a high sense of solidarity between people because of the symbiosis of mutualism.

Where by joining Lydian Lion, you will get many benefits such as points that can be exchanged for other special prizes. Of course, to be able to obtain these benefits, you can do a variety of things such as interacting, doing social activities, exploring information that will add to the user’s knowledge and skills. In addition, you can also provide information about healthy living, contribute to the public, develop and so forth.

In addition to providing attractive services and offers, Lydian Lion will also provide multiple layers of security for every user who joins and enjoys Lydian Lion services. Because Lydian realizes that security is the most important factor that must be maintained and given to users. Where Lydian will provide full security of the user’s privacy information, so that any data that has been given and stored on a Lydian account can only be accessed by the account owner only. This means that the account owner has full rights to control all of this information, and choose which information to share with the public area.

Activities carried out traditionally will indeed take a long time, because these activities still use human labor and less sophisticated tools, and slow access. But even though the traditional transaction system is slow, it will have little impact on society. Where while waiting, the community will interact with other communities. But if there is an online application that connects various services with fast access and can also provide a social impact for the community by interacting it will certainly be better and more efficient, where the prices offered also tend to be affordable.

Online activities now have greatly helped the community to save various forms of expenditure and time. Especially with the presence of Lydian Lion as a provider platform for various online services that are so targeted by the public.

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