Token ERC — 20 Prime Prime Real Estate From Homt

Nash nismara
5 min readJul 1, 2020


Homt is a Blockchain technology platform that runs its business in the property sector while publishing the first ERC-20 based tokens in the real estate world. Did you know that Homt was not only established as a profit-producing container for the founder and team of experts, but Homt was also established to create a world without borders that has a better role and to be a media in shaping the future by providing special accommodation services for students. Homt will become a center for students who want to find rented accommodation with facilities and a comfortable and cost-efficient environment. Not only that students can find rental accommodation only by operating a decentralized application that has been provided by Homt, so students only need to press a few command buttons without visiting the rental location directly.

Experts and founders have previously carried out research and development in order to democratize ownership and access to Real Estate property assets by utilizing the sophistication of several techniques including Blockchain technology, smart contracts, cryptography and tokenization. By utilizing some of the sophistication of the technology will certainly give birth to new innovations that can provide convenience for its users. Same is the case with Homt, which utilizes this advanced technology, so as to provide convenience for students, the general public and investors who want to invest using Hom tokens. Not only able to provide the ease of adoption of advanced technology, it is also able to provide payments with a transparent system, and has good audit and liquidity capabilities so as to maintain the viability of the company and the security of transactions made by users. Therefore the decision taken by the founders of Homt, is a business decision that should be appreciated.

Not only that, this platform was also established as an investment forum for anyone, different from investment in general, which sets a minimum investment capital and makes some parties feel difficult because they do not have the investment capital. Until finally they decided not to invest and prefer to consume the funds they have. This is also a reason for young people who do not make investment decisions at a young age, because they do not have the required capital. Just imagine that now almost all venture capital industries cannot provide investment services with minimal capital, but Homt has its own way so that anyone can make investments especially students, this is because Homt provides investment containers with very low capital, so various parties can join and make investments without having to think about large capital.

As we know that there are currently a lot of companies that offer investment containers with a return on investment that is quite fantastic. Even though the offer is just to keep the community tempted and the fact that the community will suffer a pretty fantastic loss because of trusting an untrusted company. Therefore at this time the public is required to be careful when they want to plunge into the world of investment, which they must see evidence about the authority of the company that provides an investment container. Homt can be used as a trusted investment container, this is because Homt is regulated by regional and global financial authorities as well as its parent company. The company is a leading property acquisition, development and distributor company that focuses on conducting its business in international asset management. So this platform is a platform that is very reliable and suitable to be used as a field to earn extra income, especially for students who need a lot of money to complete their education.

Investing by joining Blockchain technology certainly cannot be done easily, even though Blockchain technology is now equipped with advanced features and is easy to operate. However, there are still some Blockchain-based platforms that are very difficult to operate, for example they do not provide easy access. Making it difficult for users to activate or use the services provided. But did you know that Homt provides liquidity and accessibility that makes it easy for its users, because this will allow the exchange of Real Estate assets and value transfers that can be done without any constraints. This of course will provide an opportunity for users to liquidate, gain fast access and be able to exchange and trade crypto peer to peer.

As a company that provides a promising investment platform, Homt has a plan regarding the allocation of tokens. Homt is currently selling tokens and the proceeds from the sale of tokens will be allocated into several sections, of which this allocation is very important to be carried out in order to maintain the company’s survival and to ensure that the funds obtained are not used for unwanted things. It is planned that 0.5% will be allocated to investors, 48% will be allocated for the main sales event, 3% of the total bag market will be allocated specifically to give prizes to users who meet some of the participant’s requirements will also be used as promotional costs. Furthermore, 10% of the total supply of tokens will be given to the founding team and the team of experts working on the Homt platform, while the remaining 38.5% will be allocated as reserve costs and legalizing the company. Where the cost of these reserves is very necessary as a maintenance fee when things happen that are beyond the predictions of the expert team, so that when something unexpected happens the company can handle it properly.

Not only that, Homt also has several other plans that will be realized in the near future, such as the development of mobile applications from the accommodation rental portal. Later this application will be developed and can be applied by students to choose the desired accommodation, where they only need to make a selection by relying on a smartphone. Next, in December 2020, the plan is that Homt will also carry out the execution of the latest business plan, and by June 2021, all plans can be realized. After all the planning has been realized, students will certainly be able to enjoy every service provided by the Homt platform by relying on Hom tokens. Therefore, with the realization of a very short plan, you are required to purchase Hom tokens when the Hont platform is selling tokens. Apart from being able to get tokens at lower prices, you can also prepare to enjoy every service provided by Homt. Because it is not an impossible thing if Homt will be favored by people from all over the world because of running a real estate business by adopting Blockchain technology. Even today the traditional real estate business is a business that is much favored by the world community because it offers quite promising benefits. Just imagine if the real estate business was integrated with Blockchain technology, surely it would be a very lucrative business opportunity, wouldn’t it? Therefore, before the value of Hom tokens rises sharply, it’s a good idea to purchase tokens now by visiting the official Homt website at

HOMT Information


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ETH: 0xf027A8B8e422cf10F7EBe68c90eB46E8CfD779B1

