10 Most Demanding Web3 Jobs in 2024 (Non-Tech)

Nasiruddin Ahmed
7 min readFeb 21, 2024


Photo by GuerrillaBuzz on Unsplash

Gavin Wood used the phrase web3 (aka web 3.0) in 2014. The computer scientist coined the term for the first time on his blog, “Insights into a Modern World.” He asserted that it was a decentralized, post-Snowden innovation driven by blockchain technology. Now, blockchain and Web3 jobs are one of the booming parts of the crypto sphere.

Every IT company knows the value of your data. Platforms like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google collect your data, own them, and use them in marketing and advertising.

But when in web3, your data is encrypted securely in your crypto wallet, and once you interact with communities and apps, you may or may not use your data. You have the right to decide whether or not to commercialize the data since you own it.

Your cryptocurrency wallet has built-in anonymity with web3. It’s difficult for cybercriminals to link your web3 wallet with your actual identity because it essentially serves as your identity.

Additionally, autonomous decentralized organizations (DAOs) operate web3 apps. In other words, those who possess governance tokens make decisions rather than a centralized authority. Tokens can be purchased or obtained by supporting decentralized web3 apps. DAOs are democratic organizations, unlike traditional businesses where CEOs carry out shareholder-approved reforms.

10 of the Best Non-Tech Web3 Jobs

  • Web3 Executive Assistant
  • Web3 Community Coordinator
  • Events Coordinator for Web3
  • Expert Web3 Analyst
  • Author Web3 Tester
  • Web3 Technical Author
  • Web3 Creator
  • Web3 Artist
  • Manager of Web3 Influencers
  • Chief of Staff

There are multiple ways to develop a successful career in the web3 sector. You may not have to be heavily skilled or interested in technology to succeed in the web3 space.

Here are the top 10 non-tech web3 jobs for 2024:

Web3 Executive Assistant

Every CEO knows the importance of having a dependable executive assistant (EA). You can become a successful EA for a web3 company if you’re a highly organized person with good time management and communication abilities. As a web3 EA, you would contribute to the company running more effectively by taking care of the CEO’s administrative responsibilities.

Being a great EA demands a passion for web3, fintech, and cryptocurrency, just like any other web3 job. It also requires an ongoing commitment to learning and improving. Being a self-starter who can make decisions and take action without direction is also beneficial.

Web3 Community Coordinator

One of the most crucial web3 non-tech jobs is the community manager. Community managers work in marketing, providing customer support, and creating and maintaining a positive, engaged community of supporters. They also try to solve any immediate issues that pop up anytime.

Being an expert in the cryptosphere is crucial for community managers. For instance, you need to understand the foundations of Discord and several other native social networks if you promote a new NFT project.

Additionally, you need the enthusiasm for starting from scratch and the necessary communication abilities to engage with community members. Marketing is the most common degree for community managers. Additionally, having prior expertise in tech-related marketing is beneficial even if you are not an expert.

Events Coordinator for Web3

The majority of marketing in the past has taken place on web2 platforms. In web3, it’s impossible to predict what new web3 platforms may appear exactly. Still, we are aware that people will always utilize the software to connect and communicate.

One of the most pressing needs for cryptocurrency businesses in a still-emerging sector is to boost awareness. Companies are looking for chances to interact with customers face-to-face to create a substantial presence that the Internet cannot. They can develop their brands and enhance their standing in their respective industries.

Events are only held in real life when a manager of events arranges them. If you are good at setting priorities, making plans, establishing goals, and carrying them out, this web3 job is ideal. If you have these abilities with a thorough understanding of a decentralized Internet, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain, you may establish a reputation as a web3 event manager.

Expert Web3 Analyst

The web3 industry employs a variety of analysts. Businesses use a variety of people depending on their particular initiatives and goods.

For instance, a risk analyst gathers data to assist firms in evaluating the risks associated with particular actions or decisions. A data analyst collects and examines data in search of trends and patterns to assist businesses in identifying possibilities they may take advantage of; eventually, web3 data analysts assist businesses in staying ahead of rivals.

Additionally, there is a need for web3 financial analysts to identify risks, create investment strategies, and oversee investor portfolios. Web3 financial analysts support firms interested in making cryptocurrency investments. Additionally, as a research analyst, you would keep track of changes in the Bitcoin sector and instruct a business on how to make decisions.

Web3 Tester

Since Web3 projects include cutting-edge technology, substantial testing is necessary before making any capabilities available to the general public. Whether a DeFi services or Play2Earn games on the Metaverse, web3 companies engage international testers to check each program for quality, bugs, and other features.

Many web3 beta testers get incentives, prizes, or upgrades for playing the game in addition to their pay. You can receive extra benefits by participating in project chores, which will also help your business create better goods and build your reputation as a beta tester.

Web3 Technical Author

The demand for technical writers is very high among companies working on open-source projects. You would assist in developing, outlining, and promoting such programs to the general public as a technical writer.

Many technical authors create insightful essays about web3, cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, etc. Working closely with the co-founders to position the business as a thought leader and maintain the consistency of every brand narrative and message would be your responsibility as a Web3 technical writer.

Web3 Creator

Perhaps you’re asking yourself, “Wait, aren’t developers technical?” Both yes and no, is the answer. Even if you come from an unusual background, you may become a web3 developer with the necessary abilities and some industry expertise.

A most important factor for web3 developers is to adapt today’s most widely used programming languages. If you’re just getting started, pick a language to become fluent in and promote yourself as such.

Research where C++, Solidity, and other advanced programming languages are most frequently needed. After that, research the types of businesses you want to work for and become fluent in the languages most web3 companies require.

Web3 Artist

You can still work as a web3 designer even if you lack tech skills. The most important quality is a sincere conviction that carefully crafted software may positively impact culture. Additionally, inventiveness is always crucial.

Both startups and established enterprises can choose from a range of design choices. You can establish a foothold by assisting design teams in developing strategy and product ideas. Additionally, if you have passion for your work and improve your technical abilities, you may eventually develop cutting-edge software and micro-interactions.

Manager of Web3 Influencers

Web3 firms require social media influencers to market their initiatives and goods, just like the majority of other business kinds. A well-known influencer can work wonders for increasing brand recognition, but someone must steer them toward the organization’s objectives.

To increase the brand’s presence, you will develop and oversee a variety of marketing techniques. You must be passionate about community involvement and can establish new connections with influencers on various platforms. In other words, you need to step up your networking activities!

Chief of Staff

Just like in a political campaign for public office, the chief of staff for a web3 company is ultimately in charge of ensuring all aspects of the company run smoothly and productively, and following the overall objectives and plans of the business. You will collaborate closely with executives as chief of staff to keep everyone on the same page.

To be successful in this position, you need a variety of interpersonal and communication abilities. People with an entrepreneurial mindset frequently succeed as heads of staff. Additionally, you will become indispensable if you have a sincere interest in and practical knowledge of web3 frameworks and technologies.


Since its inception in 2014, Web3 has advanced significantly. Hundreds of web3 jobs are in demand, and web3 experts are learning new and advanced skills to land their ideal jobs.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be a techie to build a great web3 career. Continue exploring all web3 jobs and opportunities that match your present skills and interests. Build your web3 skills and network with industry leaders, web3 developers, creators, and anyone who can help you land your biggest web3 job.

Web3 FAQs

What is a Web3 job?

Web3 jobs are wide ranges of roles and positions to develop, implement, and maintain blockchain-based applications, for example, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, the metaverse, and more.

Is Web3 a good career?

The web3 industry is bringing exciting career opportunities for individuals passionate about blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized technologies. By honing the necessary skills and staying updated with the latest, trends, tips and tricks, and advancements in Web3, anyone can position themselves for a rewarding and impactful career.

How much do Web3 careers pay?

The average salary for any Web3 job is $90k — $150k per year.

Are Web3 Jobs in demand?

Web3 trends and the massive shift towards decentralized systems show rising demand for web3 jobs of any kind, be it developer or non-tech roles.

