Celebrating 100 Articles on Medium: Unconventional Advice for Entrepreneurs

Looking for some unconventional business advice? Join me in celebrating my 100th article on Medium, where I share tips on embracing failure, embracing your weirdness, and throwing yourself a party every time you fail (yes, really!). Get ready for some laughs and some valuable insights.

Nasir Norran
7 min readApr 21, 2023
Thank you. Your support helped me reach this milestone.

As I sit down to write this 100th article for Medium,

I can hardly believe it.

It feels like just yesterday that I was nervously hitting the “publish” button on my very first piece.

But here we are,

100 articles later,

and I have to say,

it’s been quite the journey.

Over the past couple of months,

I’ve had the opportunity to share my thoughts on everything from marketing to productivity to leadership.

I’ve written about my own experiences as an entrepreneur,

and I’ve researched dozens of successful business owners to learn from their wisdom.

And through it all,

I’ve learned a few things that I think could be helpful to fellow entrepreneurs out there.


in honor of my 100th article on Medium,

I thought I’d share some unconventional advice for entrepreneurs.

These are things that I’ve learned through trial and error,

through conversations with other business owners,

and through my own personal growth as an entrepreneur.

And while they may not be the most conventional pieces of advice,

I believe they are just as valuable as anything you’ll find in a traditional business book.

#1 Embrace Failure

We’ve all heard the saying

“fail fast, fail often,”

but how many of us actually embrace failure in our daily lives?

The truth is,

failure is a necessary part of entrepreneurship.

If you’re not failing,

you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.

But beyond just accepting failure,

I think it’s important to embrace it.

Don’t just brush it off and move on to the next thing.

Take the time to

  • reflect on your failures,
  • learn from them,
  • and use them to grow.

And here’s the unconventional part:

celebrate your failures.

Throw yourself a little party every time you fail.

Not only will it help you reframe failure as a positive thing,

but it will also help you stay motivated and keep pushing forward.

Always stay positive, you can do this!

#2 Create Your Own Definition of Success

As entrepreneurs,

we’re often told that success is all about

making money,

growing your business,

and achieving fame and recognition.

But what if that’s not your definition of success?

The truth is,

success means different things to different people. For some,

  • it might mean having a flexible schedule that allows them to spend more time with their family.

For others,

  • it might mean creating a product that has a positive impact on the world.

And for others still,

  • it might mean building a company that provides opportunities for others to grow and succeed.

The point is,

you get to define what success means to you.

Don’t let anyone else tell you what you should be striving for.

Take the time to reflect on your own values and goals,

and create a definition of success that truly resonates with you.

Climbing up the stairs towards success.

#3 Embrace Your Weirdness

We live in a world that often values conformity over individuality.

But as entrepreneurs,

we have to be willing to embrace our weirdness.

Your quirks and idiosyncrasies are what make you unique,

and they can be a huge asset in your business.

They can help you stand out from the crowd,

build a loyal audience,

and create products and services that truly reflect your values.


don’t be afraid to let your freak flag fly.

Embrace your weirdness,

and use it to your advantage.

Be yourself. That’s the best version of you.

#4 Focus on Relationships

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a business.

But at the end of the day,

it’s the relationships we build that truly matter.

Whether it’s with customers,

team members,

or other entrepreneurs,

the relationships you build will be the foundation of your success.


make sure you’re taking the time to nurture those relationships.

This means being

  • intentional about your communication,
  • listening actively,
  • and showing genuine care for the people you’re working with.

Don’t just see them as a means to an end;

value them as individuals and invest in building real connections.

It's the relationships we build that truly matter

#5 Take Time to Disconnect

Entrepreneurship can be all-consuming.

There’s always something that needs to be done,

and it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day.

But if you want to truly succeed as an entrepreneur,

it’s important to take time to disconnect.

This means carving out time in your schedule for

  • self-care,
  • hobbies,
  • and time with loved ones.

It means setting boundaries around your work and creating space for yourself to recharge.

When you take the time to disconnect,

you’ll actually be more productive and creative when you come back to work.


don’t see it as a waste of time;

see it as an investment in your own well-being.

Relax. Recharge.

#6 Find Your Own Path

There’s no one “right” way to be an entrepreneur.

What works for one person may not work for another.


don’t feel like you have to follow a set formula or blueprint for success.


focus on finding your own path.


try new things,

and be open to failure.

Take the time to reflect on what works for you and what doesn’t,

and make adjustments as needed.

At the end of the day

entrepreneurship is about creating something that reflects your own unique vision and values.


don’t be afraid to chart your own course and blaze your own trail.

The road less taken is sometimes the most exciting one.

Final Thoughts

As I reflect on the past 100 articles I’ve written for Medium,

I’m filled with gratitude for this amazing platform and the incredible community of entrepreneurs who call it home.

I hope that the advice I’ve shared today has been helpful,

and that it’s given you some new ideas and perspectives to consider on your own entrepreneurial journey.

And as always,

I’m eager to hear your feedback and recommendations.


here’s to the next 100 articles,

and to all the exciting adventures that lie ahead for each and every one of us.

Let’s continue to embrace our weirdness,

celebrate our failures,

and create businesses that truly reflect our own unique vision of success.

Top Read April 6 to April 13, 2023

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Nasir Norran

Dedicated to empowering businesses and individuals to achieve their full potential through transformative growth and positive change. https://linktr.ee/nasirnr