Alex Hormozi had an emergency meeting after realising the loss businesses with over 3% churn have

Nas Said
2 min readJun 14, 2024


In 2018, Alex Hormozi gathered all the gym owners from his community with a sub 3% churn-rate to a roundtable,

and asked them:

“I want to know everything you guys do”

Here are the 5 common denominators Hormozi found that the gyms did to x3 their profits/member annually.

#1 Track all back end metrics (duhh)

#2 Escalate immediately if the customer doesn’t consume the service

#3 They save “exit-interviews” and turn them into ascension opportunities instead.

Eg, if someone were to quit because of accountability reasons.

Instead of letting them go, you say

“hey, that’s because you were only at the base level, I can get you on the coaching level”

#4 Member events on a regular basis (community component)

#5 Sent out handwritten cards, personalized to each member.

“You got stronger at pull-ups and lost x-amount of weight as well!”

Note, HANDWRITTEN, Ink, etc.



Nas Said

Founder @, scaled 100+ founders for a living for the past 3 years.