The design evolution. Glance Mobile app

Nataliia Khimich
5 min readSep 12, 2018


Design Planning and Project Management

In most of my projects, I have been responsible for the entire user experience design process. In some of my research-oriented projects, I’ve managed the entire project or the entire technical side of the project. From this experience I’ve gained solid skills in project management and in planning the user experience design process. The images at the bottom are examples of some of the project planning documents I have prepared in the past. (Not shown are development plan and requirements documents; I have experience with those as well.) These documents helped me plan, schedule, and manage project work, and helped formulate project vision and goals.

User Research

In many of my projects, user experience design begins with user research, work aimed at better understanding the needs of the people for whom the project is intended and the context in which they will use it. I have used a range of quantitative and qualitative research methods in my project, including observation, qualitative interviews, inspiration board, story boards and etc.

I’ve also taught several graduate-level research methods courses, which dealt with many aspects of user research.

Persona and Scenario

As a way to summarize findings from user research and help determine user requirements and priorities, I have developed persona and scenario. My observations based on the Glance (collect the essential pieces, so we can quickly navigate through) and the Time ( the way we experience or interact with time) design briefs. Observed how people start and spend their working day and how it can affect productivity. My idea was to choose different professions to get the variety of daily routines. From the observation persona for my prototype has been created, who spends a day at home office and can’t plan his day because of the daily routine and distractions from other family members.

Point of view: It’s hard to organize yourself thought the working day and get more productivity if you have different kind of distraction factors

Paper prototype

On this stage you can easy translate your ideas to paper and ask for first feedback of your project. Paper prototype has enough details that the user can see all of the interactions, understand how it work, and a programmer could use the prototype to create a functional application with a defined flow. During the process I had this list of functions for my prototype. User can clearly see important messages and tasks thought a day. All updates collected from most recently used apps. Choosing list can be filtered manually in settings. The most important tasks will be highlighted. By the time the dashboard will learn and filter all user preferences by itself.

On the base of my prototype i got the Heuristic evaluations afterward I analysed it and added changes to my app.

Navigational Skeleton

To move towards a more concrete representation of intended project, the site map and structural model has been developed. These help move the project from agreed-upon conceptual idea to a process of how major components of the product will fit together, usually helping to define and clarify a hierarchy of product components and suggesting ideas for how people will navigate when using the product.

Wireframes and Mockups

Creating wireframes helps me, as the UX designer, ensure that user requirements will be met by the product; the finalized wireframes also serve as an effective blueprint for programming and visual design. I’ve found that wireframes helps understand the direction the project is taking and provide an excellent opportunity for feedback.

Interactive Prototypes

Click-through prototype of an entire set of wireframes as a proof-of-concept helps stakeholders understand the potential of a project. The interactive prototype illustrate the interaction design of a particular product feature, either to explore the feasibility of the idea, to obtain feedback from the A/B test participants.

Visual Design

Although I am not only a graphic designer, I have solid design skills. I am comfortable producing visual design mockups, or as has been the case in many of my projects, the final visual design as part of my user experience design work. The examples at bottom are examples of product for which I handled the visual design. I’m comfortable with many software products intended for visual design, such as the Adobe suite, Sketch, Balsamiq and Invision, and have significant experience with image and video manipulation.

The final result of all stages UX design.

Glance Build and prioritize your daily agenda.

Notifications appear to users in different locations and formats, such as an icon in the status bar, a more detailed entry in the notification drawer, as a badge on the app’s icon, and on paired wearable automatically. This app helps you to organize all running notifications from your favorite apps in one page. It provides an overview of where notifications appear and the available features as delete and add to favorites. Every notification opens an appropriate app when tapped. The notification text content is truncated to fit on one line but can expand by click.

