Turn Your Bath Into A Beauty Aid

Natalia Moore
4 min readSep 17, 2016

One of the nice things about the daily relaxing bath is that it makes you feel good. So whatever you do, don’t just daub your fingers into the wash-basin, hop into your pajamas, and dash off to the cot two or three nights out of the seven, saying “I’m too tired?” or “It’s too late to have a bath?”

Your daily tub or shower is not only a means of keeping fresh and clean. It’s a jiffy beauty treatment as well.

Probably there is no bath so relaxing and prettifying as the warm, sudsy tub, especially if it is scented with sweet-smelling bath salts or toilet water and you can loll back at your ease and read for a while. There’s usually time to do this only at night.

If you’ve never used them before, bath salts will dissolve more readily, and the effect will last longer, if you scatter them directly under the tap before you run your bath; perfumed oils are best dropped into the tub as it is filling.

When you feel thoroughly lazy from soaking in deep suds, scrub yourself all over to get really clean. It’s lather plus friction that cleans your pores and scales off dead skin, so work with a will with a coarse washcloth, loofah sponge, or bath-brush.

The best time to take a warm relaxing bath is just before bedtime, then you can go happily off to bed and a sound sleep. But don’t take your bath immediately before eating or for about two hours after a meal. It’s bad for the digestion.

On the other hand, maybe you’re a shower girl and couldn’t care less about a plunge bath. For a quick morning wake-up or a late afternoon pick-up when you’re tired and hot, take a brisk shower. Warm or cool, this is the best bracer of all.

A good shower “system” is to first get wet all over, then step away from the spray while you soap and scrub so you won’t rinse off too quickly. The shower scrub can be really brisk, and a few drops of bath oil is a fragrant finishing touch.

Just pour a little bath oil into the palms of your hands and smooth it all over your wet skin before the final rinse, then let the water run again. The warm shower will steam the oil into your skin.

Even after a vigorous toweling the scent of the bath oil will remain and help prolong a wonderful feeling of well-being for hours.

A nice alternative to this bath oil routine is a brisk rub-down with toilet water. After you’ve dried with the towel, or a generous dusting with your bath powder. A powder-mitt saturated with fragrant dusting powder is grand for this purpose and fun to use.

Most girls will have one or the other of these preparations tucked away among their toilet things.

Of course, you will also use your favorite deodorant, it takes only a split second to put on, but whether you use it at night after your bath or in the morning is purely a matter of preference.

For comfort and convenience, treat yourself to a bathtub beauty tray to hold all your bath paraphernalia.

In the ordinary way these might include a big cake of mild soap, face-washer, water-softener, which may be oil, salts, meal, or bubble bath, a box of dusting powder or powder-mitt or a bottle of body lotion.

And if you can afford one, don’t forget a long-handled body brush for friction rubbing, a nail- brush, and a soft, absorbent bath towel. For a cool rub-down, let your towel air while you are tubbing.

For a start it’s best to use preparations with scents that match, so that there will be no conflicting perfumes. Bath oil or toilet water, soap, and dusting powder all come in matching sets from which you can choose what you like.

