Six Weeks Ago I Handed in My Notice to Go Freelance.

Natalia Toborek
6 min readApr 14, 2020

In the midst of a pandemic, I wonder if I made the right choice.

Photo by from Pexels

I had been waiting for this day for months. I had made the decision to leave my stable 9-to-5 job and venture out on my own. I’d built up the courage to hand in my notice to my unsuspecting boss. I showed up for work every day for weeks in that awkward halfway-out-the-door transition period.

The hard part was over. So why was I second-guessing my decision to leave now?

When the long-awaited time came to log off my work laptop (and, underwhelmingly, put it in the corner of my bedroom until it was safe to drop it back to the office) I had all these questions milling around my head:

Is it a bad time to leave?

Is my business doomed to fail before I even get started?

Am I going to get any clients now that the economy is down?

Is leaving my job a selfish move when millions are losing their jobs?

Could I have predicted this?

While I don’t know the answers to most of these questions, I do know the answer to the last one: no. I don’t think any of us could have predicted the state of the world right now.



Natalia Toborek

Freelance writer and creative searching for balance. Most likely found with a coffee, planner or great book in hand. Founder and storyteller at 🌱