Violence Against Women with DisabilitiesThese women not only face dangers in terms of abuse and assault but they also face other difficulties. These can include “social …Apr 28, 2019Apr 28, 2019
Media & The Cold WarNot only does media serve as a way to educate people, it also serves as a way to influence and manipulate people’s opinions. Media, in …Apr 21, 2019Apr 21, 2019
Art Analysis #3Die Orden der Nacht, Anselm Kiefer, 1996 and Self-Portrait, Morris Graves, 1933Mar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
Roads & ThingsRoads are commonplace within developed countries. They help users get themselves, or goods, from point A to point B…Mar 17, 2019Mar 17, 2019
Improving Autonomy for those with DisabilitiesEveryone wants to be independent. We, as humans, are always testing boundaries and wanting to do more by ourselves; We want autonomy…Feb 24, 2019Feb 24, 2019