How To Grow And Care For Alocasia Plants

2 min readOct 15, 2019


Alocasia plants can create a very smart environment. When you decide to grow them in your garden, it is very important to make sure that you take good care of them. This will be very good since they will thrive very fast. When you want to grow alocasia plants in your garden, you should also keep in mind that in the right conditions the plants can grow very fast. The alocasia plants are very sensitive. It is therefore very important to make sure that you enhance proper care on them. When they are not well-taken care of, they can disappoint you. Whichever the case you should know the best ways of taking good care of the plant. However, in this piece of writing, I am going to discuss some of the ways you can grow and take good care of the plant. When you are intending to grow the plant, one of the basic things that should be looked at is the lighting.

Light is very important when it comes to the growing of plants. To be on the safe side, you should choose the best lighting for the plants. Research shows that these plants grow very well in more light. When you want to grow them in your garden, it is very important to make sure that there is sufficient lighting. This will be very beneficial in the long run since they will be able to grow very fast. This is why they thrive very well in summer conditions. Before you grow the plants, it is also very important to check on the soils. The soils will determine the thriving of the plant. As I said earlier, alocasia plants are very sensitive. This means that they do not grow in all types of soil.

it is therefore very important to ensure that you find the most suitable soils that can support the plant. However, in this case, it is said that you grow the plants in soils that are a little bit dry. This will be very beneficial since they will grow properly. Research also shows that soggy soils will increase the chances of fungal diseases. Therefore to avoid this, it is very important to find soils that do not have too much water. The alocasia plants are also regarded to be heavy feeders. Therefore when you want them to grow very fast and healthy, it is very important to make sure that you feed them with a lot of fertilizer. The watering of the plants is also another key factor that should be put in mind. You should consider keeping them moist throughout.

To find out more information about alocasia, visit this link -

