Favorite Fort Collins Coffee Shop Q&A

Natalie Hendricks
2 min readSep 29, 2015


After trying to find the perfect student to interview while on campus, I finally stumbled upon Sierra Carr, a friend of a friend of mine. Sierra being an outgoing student, made her the perfect interviewee. She let me interview her live and in person and question her about her favorite coffee shop to study at in “Old Town” Fort Collins, Colorado.

Some background information about Sierra is that she is a senior at Colorado State University. Her major at CSU is in sociology, therefore she spends a lot of time studying for school in her free time. Sierra not only spends a lot of time at coffee shops studying, she also works at one as a barista on campus, so she is very familiar about coffee. From all of the personal information I had gathered from her, I then went on to ask her questions about where she likes to study.

Q: As a student, where do you find yourself studying at most? And why?

A: At coffee shops, for sure. My favorite place is the Wild Boar. It is just so cozy in there. I just kind of feel like I’m at home when I’m there. Plus, they’re super friendly and nice.

Q: Why is the Wild Boar Cafe your favorite coffee shop?

A: Like I said, its really cozy in there. The prices are good, they have good food and the employees are more than kind. I also love that its an old house and not like an industrial building or something like that.

Q: When is the best time to go in and study at The Wild Boar?

A: It is busy on the weekends. After school if you go early enough you beat the crowd and if you stay late enough people start to leave. Between 5 p.m. — 8 p.m. it is usually pretty busy but, that is the same if you are looking to study anywhere.

Q: Why do you think the Wild Boar Cafe is the most comfortable coffee shop?

A: Because it’s in an old house and its cozy and it has tables and plenty of couch rooms. Their couches are made of leather and super comfy.

Q: What advice would you give another student regarding where to choose to study?

A: I would say there are plenty of options, so just work your way around until you find some place that fits you. Find somewhere you like going to and you can get stuff done and then just stick with it. Never change.

Picture of Sierra Carr enjoying a cup of coffee at a local coffee house in Fort Collins.

