Why Do the Artists Do What They Do— Daniel Maidman.

Natalie Holland
9 min readJun 13, 2018
Hands #1, oil on canvas, 24 x 24 in, 2011

“In the beginning was the Word” is a short description of why I became aware of Daniel Maidman’s work and artistic career. His writing compelled me to follow him in his endeavours for a decade — and what an inspiring journey it was.

Stephen Fry — the master of language — once commented that people seem to be able to find sensuous pleasure in almost anything but words these days. If that is true — and I believe that it is — then Daniel’s writing is the exception that proves the rule.

There is a beauty in the way he uses the language; it’s the way how words flow together with meaning and how precise they convey a certain feeling. Although it was a quality of his prose that attracted my attention, it was the content of his blog that made me stay.

Saint Rebecca, oil on canvas, 18 x 24 in, 2018

He documented his personal journey as well as his reflections on a variety of visual art topics. I started to read his blog close to the beginning when he was grappling with the challenges of life drawing and painting. However, the difference that separated his disclosures from other blogs was the utmost transparency and almost sore honesty about his growing pains as a developing artist. He attended…

