Thank You, Universe! One More Please!

Natalie Kelly
5 min readSep 13, 2016


In the third day of Natalie Sisson’s 10-day Blog Challenge, she’s tasked us with describing our perfect day as part of creating a crystal-clear vision of the future we’re striving for. Here’s mine.

Awakened by the beautiful sunlight streaming into the room, I lay in bed luxuriating for a few moments in the lush comfort of crisp cotton sheets against the velvety comforter. I smell the scent of lilacs, lilies and roses wafting in on a light breeze and I smile as imagine their gorgeous blooms out in the garden. I hear the birds chirping happily and the early morning sounds of the neighborhood coming to life.

I look over at my husband and our little dog, Tag, who lays beside him, pressed against his chest. Both look peaceful and content and I say a silent thank you for their presence in my life. I spend a few minutes thanking God for all my wonderful blessings and the 3 things I am grateful for from the day before: another huge royalty check for my latest book on living an exceptional life, an opportunity to start a new venture outside the country, and confirmation that our bid was accepted on our dream vacation home on the beach in Carmel. “Life is sweet I think. Better than I could ever have imagined. We’re so lucky.”

I slowly slip out of bed, careful not to wake my darling boys, and do a few stretches, then I walk out to the deck where a stunning view of the mountains is slowing shifting from deep purples to greens and browns as the sun rises higher in the sky. I do 20 minutes of yoga in the warm sun, feeling calmed and centered, yet eager to start the day. Then I cozy up in one of my favorite chairs and listen to a daily meditation from John Assaraf at NeuroGym. The meditations have made a huge difference in my life and are an important foundation for my day. Back in the bedroom I slip under the covers for a few minutes, cuddling with my husband and Tag. Tag toddles over and licks me on the nose. My husband does the same and we laugh.

Mike gets up and makes coffee while I get ready for the day. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. I look pretty darn good for 57, no wrinkles, great skin, and a perfect smile with perfect white teeth. I’ve worked hard to eat well and exercise and I’ve lost a lot of weight and kept it off. I feel strong and capable. I grin at myself and once again I think life is sweet. “Thank you, universe! One more please!” I say with enthusiasm, using one of Lori Hamann’s favorite sayings. She’s had great success with her Manifestation 100 program. She’s right up there with John Assaraf and Tony Robbins in my book, and I’m thankful to be part of the M100 group.

I make breakfast as Mike makes coffee and feeds Tag. We sit out on the deck as we eat a delicious breakfast of oatmeal and eggs, washed down with some of the best coffee we found on a trip to Italy. We enjoy the delicious air and the mountain view. It never grows old and is so beautiful that it sometimes seems surreal.

After breakfast and tidying up, we both dress and go to work. I’m back on the deck again, gazing at the beautiful flowers in our back yard as I start planning my next conference. Later I go over some proofs for the cover of my latest book and make notes for the publisher, and speak with one of my team members about a new program at the charitable organization we founded.

Mike and I drive into town for lunch at a restaurant where we’ve been so many times they’ve named a salad after me and a sandwich after him. We stop just inside the doorway to take in the medley of aromas drifting throughout the room. Several people nod at us and we nod back, exchanging a few words here and there. The food, as always, is incredibly delicious and we feel great because it’s also healthy and lets us stay on the eating program that has helped us get so fit. The owner comes over to chat and tells us a joke about two farmers fighting over a pig. We’ve heard him tell it a hundred times before but he tells it so charmingly we laugh wholeheartedly when he hits us with the punch line: “And that’s how we do it in the High Country!”

After lunch Mike heads off to meet with some clients and I go to my favorite spa for my bi-weekly pampering: a massage, facial, mani and pedi. It doesn’t get any better than that I think, and once again thank the universe and ask for another. I really mean it and the practice has served me so well it automatically comes to my lips every time something good happens. And good things happen every day! I never take my good fortune for granted. How lucky we are I think. I feel deliciously relaxed and drowsy as we drive home and decide to take a nap before dinner.

We grill marinated shrimp and filet for dinner, and eat it along with a tasty salad with avocadoes, figs, and a little truffle oil. The food is so good I lick my fingers after popping a succulent shrimp in my mouth. I can’t get enough of the smoky, garlicky flavor. Good thing they’re on my program!

After dinner we go for a walk around the neighborhood with Tag. We stop and chat with neighbors also out for a stroll and our dogs sniff each other and scamper around. Back at home, Mike lights a fire and we sit in front of the fireplace. Tag is tucked in between us, happy to have his tummy rubbed. Mike is slowly swirling one of his favorite red wines around in a glass and I’m nursing a cognac. I didn’t like cognac in my younger days, but that’s before I started drinking the good stuff. We’ve broadened our horizons considerably since we both started doing so well. We’ve been blessed in every way but have managed to stay the same at the core. We value family, friends, and being of service of others, and that has served us well.

That night, tucked in bed, gazing at the moonlight coming through skylight, I give my thanks for the wonderful day we had and the wonderful day before us. I imagine all of the wonderful things we’d still like to happen, and picture them in detail happening one by one. “Thank you, universe! One more please!” I say after each has been achieved in my mind. With one final thank you for all that is and all that will be, I drift off to sleep.

Inspired and uplifted,


This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 3

#10DBC #freedomplan

