7 Best Daily Habits to Prevent Writer’s Block

Natalie Moreno
4 min readAug 21, 2024


You’re one habit away from accessing a consistent flow of ideas and avoiding writer’s block altogether. Start by establishing a morning writing routine to clear your mind, then read widely and often daily to exercise your writing muscles. Develop a curiosity mindset by asking “what if” and “why not,” and take regular breaks to refresh your perspective. Practice free writing exercises to spark creativity, set realistic writing goals daily to stay on track, and review and revise past work to reignite passion. By incorporating these seven daily habits, you’ll be well on your way to banishing writer’s block for good — and there’s even more to discover ahead.

Establish a Morning Writing Routine

Most writers can attest that the morning hours are often the most productive, and establishing a morning writing routine can be a game-changer in preventing writer’s block.

You can start by dedicating 15–30 minutes to writing morning pages, a stream-of-consciousness exercise to clear your mind.

A consistent start will help you stay focused and avoid procrastination.

Read Widely and Often Daily

Reading widely and often daily is a powerful way to exercise your writing muscles, much like a musician practices scales to stay nimble.

You’ll expose yourself to different writing styles, voices, and techniques by reading fiction and exploring genres.

This daily habit helps you develop your unique voice and stays your creative juices flowing, making writer’s block a thing of the past.

Develop a Curiosity Mindset

As you continue to exercise your writing muscles through reading, you’ll naturally start to wonder about the world around you.

Cultivate open mindedness exercises by asking “what if” and “why not” when faced with new ideas.

Practice mindful observations by paying attention to details, like the way sunlight filters through leaves or the rhythm of conversations.

Take Regular Breaks and Move

When you’re stuck in a writing rut, it’s easy to get tunnel vision and keep staring at that blank page.

But you’ll be amazed at how a short break can refresh your mindset and get those creative juices flowing again.

Refresh Your Mindset Now

You’ve been staring at that blank page for what feels like an eternity, and your mind is starting to feel like a dry, barren wasteland.

Take a step back, and refresh your mindset! Practice mindful meditation to calm your thoughts, and jot down ideas in a thought journal to declutter your mind.

Stretch to Revitalize Creativity

Now that you’ve cleared your mind and sparked some ideas, it’s time to get your body moving!

Take regular breaks to stretch and revitalize your creativity.

Try some simple exercises like neck rolls, wrist extensions, and toe taps to loosen up.

This will increase blood flow and oxygen to your brain, helping you stay focused and avoid writer’s block.

Practice Free Writing Exercises

When you commit to practicing free writing exercises, you’ll start to notice a significant shift in your writing flow.

By setting a timer and writing whatever comes to mind without stopping or editing, you’ll clear mental clutter and spark creative ideas that might’ve otherwise remained hidden.

As you continue this daily habit, you’ll find yourself more confident and prepared to tackle even the most intimidating writing tasks.

Clear Mental Clutter

Several minutes of free writing each day can be a powerful tool in clearing mental clutter, allowing your creative mind to breathe and ultimately preventing writer’s block.

By incorporating mindful meditation and mental decluttering into your daily routine, you’ll create space for new ideas to flow.

Commit to a daily free writing practice to quiet your mind and tap into your full creative potential.

Spark Creative Ideas

Three to five minutes of daily free writing can spark a flurry of creative ideas, helping you overcome the intimidating blank page syndrome.

You’ll be surprised at how this simple habit can become an idea generator, triggering your creativity and getting those words flowing.

Try setting a timer, writing whatever comes to mind, and see what creativity triggers emerge!

Set Realistic Writing Goals Daily

By establishing a daily writing routine, you can train your brain to produce content consistently, making it easier to overcome writer’s block.

Set realistic writing goals daily to stay on track.

This can be as simple as:

  • Setting daily quotas for the number of words you want to write
  • Limiting your writing sessions to a specific time frame
  • Breaking down large projects into smaller, manageable word limits

Review and Revise Past Work

You’ve likely accumulated a treasure trove of past writing projects, and reviewing them can be a great way to spark new ideas and overcome writer’s block.

Reflect on past successes and revisit old drafts to identify areas for improvement.

Update your past work, and you might just stumble upon a new direction or perspective that reignites your passion.


By incorporating these 7 daily habits into your routine, you’ll be well on your way to preventing writer’s block for good. Remember, it’s all about creating a workflow that sparks creativity, fuels productivity, and keeps your mind sharp. So, start your day with writing, read widely, stay curious, take breaks, practice free writing, set realistic goals, and review your work. With these habits, you’ll be writing like a pro in no time, and saying goodbye to those frustrating moments of writer’s block.



Natalie Moreno

Creative strategist, ad enthusiast, and coffee aficionado. Crafting campaigns that convert.