Growing up on the Internet: the social media phenomenon through the eyes of a long term user

Natalie Petritis
3 min readNov 7, 2016


It’ s 7 a.m. and you have just woken up. If it was 1970, the first thing you would probably do, after getting dressed and while having breakfast, would be to turn on the radio and listen to the morning news. But it’s 2016, and I’m pretty sure that you are already logged in Facebook.

How is it that I am so sure about your daily habits concerning the social media? According to statista, approximately 2 billion internet users are using social networks and these figures are still expected to grow as mobile device usage and mobile social networks increasingly gain traction.

At this point however, I should probably forget about statistics and introduce myself, since this is article is about me, myself and I using the social media in my daily life. I am Natalie Petritis, a journalism student at Panteion University and a pop culture enthusiast. Although someone could say that I’m slightly computer illiterate, my relationship with the social media begun while I was still in my pre-teenage years. The first one I joined was MySpace, when I was just 12 years old, so I have been a regular user for a decade now. Impressive right?

Of course lots have changed ever since, but how about taking a look at my current social media accounts?

A screenshot from my Facebook account

I’ve been a Facebook user since 2008 and I consider this social medium as the most useful and interesting one I have ever joined. Using Facebook I am able to communicate with friends, family and colleagues, share articles and information about my job and be informed on current trends, events etc. It’ s the first social medium I check in the morning and the one I use the most. It is also a social medium of bigger importance, as my professional life depends on it a lot.

My Instagram account

I joined Instagram about four years ago and I have been using it on a daily basis ever since. I use it to upload pictures and videos of my travels and daily life and to get insiration as far as fashion and trends are concerned. It is super easy to use and edit photos.

My LinkedIn account

I recently joined LinkedIn in order to get a more professional account as far as job-seeking is concerned. I have already connected with 28 people and I have had the opportunity to mention all the details concerning my education, working experience and skills. I believe LinkedIn is going to be really useful for me, since I’m about to graduate from University in the following months.

To get an extra taste on how I use the social media and some apps, here are some screenshots from an Instagram account I created as a project for the Mobile Reputations Lab:

This article is a Panteion University project concerning the Mobile Reputations Lab: Collaborative Consumption in Sharing Economy.



Natalie Petritis

Student at Panteion University of Social and Political Studies・Department of Communication, Media and Culture・Music, Film and Fashion enthusiast