A Brief Summary of “The Heart of Business” by Hubert Joly

Natalie Gonzalez
3 min readNov 10, 2023

Hubert Joly’s book “The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism” is a game-changer that promotes human-centered and compassionate leadership in the corporate sector. Joly draws from his background as the former CEO of Best Buy, where he effectively brought the company back to life with a people-focused strategy. In order to promote a feeling of purpose, empathy, and sustainability in the corporate environment, the book presents a set of leadership principles.

  1. Purpose
  2. Human Leadership
  3. Empathy
  4. Employee Fulfillment
  5. Sustainability
  6. Accountability
  7. Alignment
  8. Community Engagement

Key Principles:

1. Purpose:

Joly highlights the importance of having a compelling mission as the cornerstone of each successful company. He contends that having a worthwhile mission inspires workers, draws in clients, and advances societal welfare in addition to increasing revenues.

2. Human Leadership:

The book advocates for a human-centered leadership approach. Joly supports leaders who show empathy and compassion and put people first. Human leadership entails fostering a welcoming and helpful work environment, appreciating diversity, and promoting individual development.

3. Empathy:

Empathy is recognized as a critical component of successful leadership. Joly exhorts managers to be aware of and empathize with the needs, feelings, and experiences of their staff members and clients. In short, leaders may create a better workplace culture and stronger relationships by practicing empathy.

4. Employee Fulfillment:

Joly contends that a key component of a profitable company is employee satisfaction. He promotes leaders that make an investment in their teams’ welfare and personal growth in order to foster an atmosphere where workers feel appreciated, involved, and inspired to give their all.

5. Sustainability:

The significance of sustainable business practices is emphasized throughout the book. Joly contends that businesses must incorporate social and environmental responsibilities into their main business plans. Adopting a sustainable approach improves brand reputation and long-term profitability in addition to helping the environment.

6. Accountability:

Joly stresses the importance of accountability inside a company. Stakeholders, workers, and leaders all need to take responsibility for their choices and actions. Accountability cultivates transparency and trust — two fundamental elements of a strong business culture.

7. Alignment:

According to the book, businesses that are successful match their mission and values with their business tactics. Joly advises executives to make sure that the company’s basic values are reflected and upheld in every area of their business, from marketing to operations.

8. Community Engagement:

Businesses have shown to be able to make a significant positive impact on society by actively participating in the community. According to Joly, businesses can have a significant influence by tackling social concerns, engaging in community service, and conducting business ethically.

Case Studies and Insights:

The Heart of Business” uses actual events from Joly’s time working at Best Buy to show how these ideas may be used in a variety of professional settings. In addition to providing a useful viewpoint on the transformational potential of human-centric leadership, the author offers insights into the difficulties and achievements he faced while serving as a leader.

The Next Era of Capitalism:

The book presents these ideas as necessary for understanding how capitalism is changing. According to Joly, companies that place a high priority on sustainability, people, and purpose will be better able to adapt to the shifting demands of investors, employees, and customers.


To sum up, Hubert Joly’s “The Heart of Business” is a useful manual for executives who want to bring about constructive change in their companies. Joly offers a blueprint for a new era of capitalism that prioritizes the human element of business and incorporates social and environmental responsibilities into the core of corporate operations. She does this by highlighting purpose, empathy, sustainability, and accountability. In addition to outlining these ideas, the book offers case studies and practical insights, which makes it an invaluable tool for executives looking to update their 21st-century corporate strategy.

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