Reinventing my own future with Udacity and Google scholarship

My first steps in Android world

Natalia Nazaruk
4 min readFeb 18, 2018

I am a great supporter of the so called “YES theory”. Everyday I try to be open to new challenges and experiences, adhering to the principle that life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

So when in December 2016 I received an email encouraging me to take part in a scholarship from Udacity and Google, I did not hesitate. The next 9 months were filled with hard work, learning, joy, fatigue, satisfaction and small successes. This long and surprising road ended for me with the certification of Android Basics Nanodegree, and more importantly — with finding a passion for programming. You can read more about all this in my few previous articles here:

Okay, but why I am telling you all this? It was almost one year ago! Well, that was only the beginning. After finishing the first scholarship I was sure that Android Development was the direction in which I wanted to grow. I started creating my own applications, for example, a simple detective game which is still in progress. I have had a lot of fun working on every line of the code in my own “products”. However, I felt that I needed another dose of motivation, a huge portion of knowledge and inspiration. That’s when I found out that I was accepted for another scholarship from Udacity and Google — “Android Developer Challenge”.

Android Scholarship Program

The program is constructed like most other scholarships offered by Udacity in cooperation with a technological giant. In the first phase, which lasts three months, students get access to a part of the material. Their task is to do all the lessons and quizzes and — which is equally important — to actively participate in the life of the community. We are encouraged to help others by answering questions, share interesting materials, participate in meetups etc. Next, 10% of the best-promising students get full access to the Nanodegree course, which offers mentors assistance, code review, and after successful completion — the world’s recognized certificate.
This is where we are now — the first phase ended one week ago and the results just came in — I have qualified to the second phase! So keep your fingers crossed for my future learnings!
The Android Developer Nanodegree itself offers its students advanced knowledge about the Android environment, which is always adapted to the most current changes. At this level, students will explore not only the secrets of Android development, but also will learn what Gradle is and how to work with it, how to adapt Material Design to their applications, and how to test applications and publish them on Google Play. What is important — after completing this Nanodegree, the student should be job-ready. Therefore, Udacity provides extensive help to job seekers. Professional review of your CV or profile on LinkedIn, advice on job interviews and a specially created career portal will definitely allow the Nanodegree graduate to stand out from other candidates.

What also distinguishes Udacity from other online education platforms is access to mentors, building own, real applications, and above all — an extraordinary, open and supportive community. Many of the friendships made during the course last long after the completion of it and often turn into interesting, professional relationships.

What’s next?

I hope that in a few days I will begin my studies in the second phase of the scholarship. It will certainly be a big challenge, because the bar is set really high, and working full-time and having other private projects my schedule is pretty tight. However, I believe deeply that we achieve the most by constantly challenging ourselves.

I am currently working mainly on my detective game, an ocean-related quiz and an application that helps small stores manage dunghills. I hope that in the next few months I will be able to publish at least one of these applications on Google Play. I am also looking forward to start to contribute on some interesting open source projects.

When it comes to social activities, I was lucky to be asked to become a mentor for Android Basics scholarship students from the “Grow with Google” program. Helping novice programmers gives me incredible satisfaction and at the same time I see how much I learn from them too. Soon, I also hope to start working as a volunteer on other educational projects, helping young people to change their lives.

All this would not be possible without Udacity, and in particular without the scholarships they offer along with Google. A year ago I would not believe that I would write a similar article today. And although I know that I am only at the beginning of a very long and challenging road, I am very happy that I decided to answer “YES” on this opportunity. If you ever wonder if it’s worth applying for a scholarship offered by Udacity — think no more! Just send this application and be ready, for how it may change your life forever!



Natalia Nazaruk

Android developer (Kotlin 💯). #GDG3city organiser 💻 Soft Skills advocate. Winner of Google & Udacity scholarships. Dogs & Cats 😍