6th Gene Key — Law of Polarity

Siddhi: Peace — Gift: Diplomacy — Shadow: Conflict

Natasha Gitlin
6 min readFeb 22, 2024
Amethyst Order Ramas (Art by Sequoia)

Alchemical Reaction to Love

The ring of alchemy and the nature of life are the various forms of chemical reactions. Spiritual Alchemy involves the process of transforming the inner self that aim to heal and liberate aspects of ourselves that require change. Through the metamorphosis of these internal elements, it results in inner freedom, breaking free from fears, shedding outdated beliefs, overcoming soul loss, and addressing self-destructive disorders. The elixir of love is a specific alchemy of life through the marriage of man and woman. With a balance between man and woman, a feminine energy that carries life into this world could not be possible without the masculine energy. To organically create another life is a beautifully sacred thing.

The sixth gene key is the essence of what keeps the world evolving. A lot of the gene keys have relied on a system of balance. Keeping our shadows in check and a frequent maintenance is required when we become overpowered by these lower frequencies. The 6th gene key amplifies this balance —the yin and yang, light and dark, night and day. Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. We all have an optimal frequency that occurs when our cells vibrate at the frequency they are designed to.

One of the universal laws, the Law of Vibration, fluctuates between high and low. Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium or center point. A lot of what the gene key system is about is reprogramming the imbalance of all these lower negative frequencies when they end up taking front and center. To be fully aware and cognizant of our actions, of our words and of our thoughts. It’s a practice and a system that allows for balance, to reduce the amount of conflict with oneself and with each other. With that practice, we are able to make decisions with a lot more conviction. When we move out of this polarization, we can begin to hold more compassion and empathy with one another.

The 6th gene key’s gift, Diplomacy, is a skill that can be mastered even at a lower frequency because it operates through a person’s auric field. When we interact through higher, empathic frequencies, we are sharing those from our own aura to another. Have you ever wondered why when you’re in a lower mood, everyone else seems to be in a similar mood? We are essentially exchanging our emotions through our own energy fields. We’ve seemed to move so far away from the connection of man and woman because there is this rigidness and an almost stubborn mentality with whether a female is just as strong and capable as a male. But we must look at these emotional barriers and understand we work in tandem with one another. If we start to explore our true underlying natures, we can break down those barriers of competition and ‘independence’. When we don’t allow for this self-entitlement to govern our actions, we can begin to work together in a diplomatic way.

An Balancing Act

Conflict arises when either side of the consciousness spectrum overpowers the other. The great order of the universe, the macrocosm, relies on a system of balance as well. We are seeing wars and personal conflicts perpetuated by a difference of opinion and a polarizing imbalance of opinions or thoughts. Conflict means an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles. It’s okay to have a difference of opinions but the important part of these differences is to maintain integrity. To understand your own convictions when sharing them with others and to not hold them above anyone else. To be tactful and attuned to other peoples thoughts and actions as well. We are living in such a polarizing time right now. On a societal scale, conflicts have arisen between two sides of the opposite end. Namely the ones of democrat versus republican. Ultimately, we all want the same thing, which is justice and at it’s highest frequency, peace. But by arguing over whether one side is better than the other isn’t really getting us anywhere.

All of these battles are so surface level when you really think about it. How did we get to such an imbalanced state I wonder? Throughout my life, I’ve always strived for balance. I’m not saying I’ve been successful at such a thing, I’ve definitely lived outside of moderation but in a way where I am running away from something else, a fear of things being out of my own control. I’ve noticed a sort of pattern amongst these ongoing conflicts. Perhaps within this matrix construct, these conflicts are being created in order for society to be at each others throats.

Look, I do believe in order to maintain a pH balance, we need to be aware of our differences, a self-awareness and an inner-confidence that allows for more trust building. That requires everyone to look within themselves and it requires everyone to have a social empathy that doesn’t have a negative ego attached to it. I’ve noticed where a lot of conflict stems from is this intellectual ego and this competition of knowing more than others. I’m not sure whether that’s because we have this constant flow of information and because we can more easily look things up on the internet, whether it actually be right or wrong, we have more opportunity to speak up about what we know or what we’ve learned. That’s all fine and well until you end up looking down on another just because they see the world a little differently.

Connection with form and a balance between masculine and feminine energies seems to be a predominate issue going on in society as well. Perhaps it’s because we aren’t fully aware of what the feminine and masculine energies should actually be and our roles within society. It’s become a battle of how the feminine energies should be on par with the masculine but deep down, they are not the same. The feminine versus masculine is again, all about a balance. Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, and the opposites are identical in nature but exist in different degrees. It’s a matter of duality and understanding either sides of the spectrum in order to develop the spirit of peace.

Human sovereignty needs to be balanced and reflected before it is constructed outwards toward the world. We can then tap into our own empowerment and alignment. I believe the spirit of humility is something every body could use in their every day interactions and personal development. In order to be at peace with myself, I must choose humility above all else. Knowing my place within the universe, working to remove all negative ego and self-entitlement. I’ve frequently questioned as to why something is happening to me and why I feel that my suffering is worse than others when really it’s a matter of perspective and doesn’t have to be compared.

A balance where you practice all the things you DO have and all the good things that have happened to you in your life. To see that the conflicts are there in order to help you grow. To understand that the traumas and sufferings I’ve experienced have only happened for my own self-development. To remain balanced, and to remain at peace with oneself, we must not look too far down towards the darkness and negative experiences we’ve had. We should just use them as situations that are assisting in our growth. To shift our perspectives and learn from that trial and error. To maintain equilibrium within the mind, in order to fully be at peace.

As we move more and more towards spiritual ascension, we can shift to an energetic balance. One where we aren’t constantly combative because those conflicts only exist to keep us low.

All change begins within the self. As each of us holds value for all life, while developing our self-worth and self-love, we are empowered to be a positive force of spiritual transcendence that Restores Energetic Balance. Love is the force that restores balance and harmony to all things.

The 6th Siddhi, Peace, will be the future state of humanity. The global consciousness will continue to rise when we are able to take accountability for our own imbalances, and thus, construct a wildly new paradigm for us to exist with one another. The 6th Gene Key has a very special quality in this alchemical sense, in that it contains instructions on how to build a new genetic form. And that concludes the 6th gene key, the elixir of love, and a social empathy that builds connections and new ways of living.

