How I Became a Content Writer in My 35s

Natasha Jafari
8 min readAug 25, 2022


First, let me say that I am not who you think!

I am not the writer who could see writing talent in my eye from the moment of birth; I am the writer who hated writing when I was a child.

I am the one whose father writes my essay in school, and I always got the lowest grade — — -0 — — — in literature exams.

So I’ve never thought of myself as a writer, let alone become a writer who writes from early morning until midnight, and I never thought that writing would be my job!

Content Writer

But something changes when …

When I became an adult, I realized that I am an introverted person who doesn’t like to speak with others, but it is much easier to convey my message to others through text. Writing has become { my only and lovely way } to communicate with OTHERS!

And step by step, I fell in love with writing… until one day, I accidentally had known “ content creation” or “ website writing,” These words and these jobs changed my life.

“While writing, I felt alive. I felt connected to the best part of myself. “

It doesn’t matter that …

1- It doesn’t matter how old you are; I started at 35; you can begin with 15 or 40 or 70 or any age;

2- It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman because the beauty of content production is that it has no gender and is not gendered!

3- It doesn’t matter that, according to yourself and all the people around you, you don’t have writing talent, I thought I didn’t, but I started, why don’t you?

4-It doesn’t matter where you are in this world and you are reading this text; it is a city or a small village; the important thing is that content production is borderline. No, wherever you are in this world, you can be a content writer;

5-It doesn’t matter that we have physical problems and physical disabilities; the important thing is that we can be the content writer with minimal physical abilities; we can break the boundaries and limitations of our bodies;

6- It doesn’t matter what you do or what is your university education; throw away all these degrees and names, engineer, doctor, bachelor, diploma, etc. The attraction of content production is that it is “No Degree!”

In short:

“No one is born a content writer, but can die a content writer.”

So let’s start.

I want to become a content writer, but how?

”I want to start, but I am afraid. I want to start, but I can’t even write 1 line; I want to start, but now I’m an employee, and I can’t; I want to start, but I’m old, and I have two children, I want to start, but my field has nothing to do with content production and and and and and and….”

Is it your conversation with yourself?

Shut up, please!

And start what you love!


I decided to tell you about my beginning story and then some tips to start content writing in any situation.

(((Caution))) Let us be aware that every human has his unique fingerprints, so we can never be a “copy equal to the original” of each other. Don’t expect the same result with copying & past what OTHERS have done without adding anything. We can only use” the experiences of others.”

The story of my beginning

It was raining; I was wandering around looking for an idea to start a business related to my field ( Nutrition & Food Industry). UNTIL …. met my eyes to strange words: Content Creation!

I have loved “CREATE” since childhood. Once I created sculptures, once created foods, once created clay tile … until finally, I reached content CREATION!

From this golden moment, I started to research and read more and more and more and more and more and more about “how to be a content creator.” Finally, after 6 months and 27 days, I realized that Content Creation is the only thing I want to do until I die!

And since I hated working as an employee, and on the contrary, I love working in my pajamas😁 in my home office with free working hours, I fell in love with content creation FREELANCING!

A few recommendations for becoming a Content writer

Content writing can be learned

Initially, I thought that people would be born or not with writing talents, depending on our “good genes.”

And like many newbies, according to novelist Marilyn Robinson,

“at first, I was less in love with structure and pattern (in an ignorant but pleasant way) and more in love with words.”

But from a certain point and after hearing from the writing experts, both printed and online, I realized that no one is born a writer, but they can learn to write.

The good thing about writing learning is that it is no longer degree-oriented; like university education, it is skill-oriented. And on the other hand, you can get training wherever you are and in any situation, from home, from work, and even when you are a parent and have the responsibility of taking care of your children, you can learn this skill.

So if you want to become a Content Writer, know that becoming an online writer is a set of skills that can be learned, and you need to spend time and energy to learn.

Content Writing is not …

A very wrong thing that is common among many people these days is that content writing means taking a few articles from several websites, chewing them, and throwing them out (sorry, I had to give this example😆)

Or another wrong thought is that Content Writing means sitting under the tree with the sound of sparrows …

and sitting,

and sitting,

and sitting,

and sitting,

… until excellent content and sentences inspire you!

The fact is that none of this is online Content Writing. Content Writing has another definition and structure: if you can’t proceed that way, you can’t succeed.

You will get discouraged on the way to “becoming a writer,” don’t doubt it!

I promise you that in the way of “Writing,” you will be discouraged many times, and you will want to give up forever. You love to write, but everything is complicated in the beginning.

Have you ever tried to learn 10-finger typing?

I failed a thousand times. Do you know why I was unsuccessful? Because when we start to learn to type, for a long time, the old way of typing will not work for us, nor have we mastered the new way and we can type, which makes a person crazy, and this makes a person abandon learning. So it is natural to get discouraged and want to give up. But exactly where you leave the work, there are only a few more steps until the writing skills are engraved in your brain and hand, and your writing improves. So whenever you feel discouraged, remember this saying of mine: “I will continue just 1 more step.”

Personal Fingerprint in content writing

Jung says: “The most personal things are the most public things.”

The more personal and unique the content, the more meaningful and attractive it is for the audience. This is what I love in content writing [personalized writing + easy writing (write the same way you speak)]. Why? Because in this way, the content becomes a series of real stories, and a friendship is formed between you and the audience.

Writing is sometimes like opening a “well pipe”🤣 that…

Website writing and any kind of writing is like opening a well pipe, you have to push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push and push. Open it and let the water go down!

So, practice, practice, practice

I know many of you get allergic when you hear the name of practice 😆 But, one of the essential parts of learning any driving skill is practice. You will not learn how to drive by sitting next to a level 1 driver for hours, days, and months. You must sit on your own, let your feet feel the clutch, brake, and gas, and practice driving in different conditions.

To become a good writer, you have to practice hard

Play with other people’s words and sentences

Is it possible to become the site's writer but not be the reader of the sites or content?

As a 7-year-old “content writer,” I divide my time like this: 20% searching and browsing different sites, 30% reading and playing with other people’s sentences and words, which means reading content, whether online or in books, and 50% writing and editing …

So, if we want to be a good writer, we must first be a good reader

The audience is the essential half of YOU!

Suppose you want to become a professional chef and need to prepare many different dishes and practice every day. You did the first part of the exercise well, but not the necessary second half. You cook all kinds of food one after another, but until now, no one has tasted your food, and you have not invited even one person for dinner; you either eat the food yourself or throw it away, and you continue this vicious cycle. The end of this way is nothing!

Because you don’t understand whether your cooking is good or bad and whether there is anyone who likes your food or not. Writing for the site or any other type of writing is the same. The essential half of writing is the audience. Now, I don’t mean to create millions of audiences for yourself at the beginning. Not. Most of the goal is to give your writing to anyone who can read and comment. This can be your friend, wife, mother, brother, colleague, or… It is only essential that the writings are read.


How to become a content writer?


How can I become a better content writer?

Write more!

