How do you know?

Natasha Kurien
1 min readFeb 18, 2016


How do you know when it’s over?

How do you read the signs, if there are any, that is?

How do you know what to hold on to, and what not to?

How should you react?

How do you forget?

Should you forget?

What do you do about that tiny ray of hope?

Do you shut the door on it?

Or do you let it grow into a beam of greater hope?

What pains you the most?

The good times, because they cease to exist?

Or the bad times, that never cease to exit?

Should you stage a confrontation?

Or should you let it be?

Is it beyond reprimand?

How do you know?

Where do you go next?

What lies up ahead?

Is it the right path?

Or the path to regret?

Will you eventually find answers?

Yes you will.

Do you have to find out right away?

No you do not.



Natasha Kurien

On the road to self discovery-looking to make peace with the past, present and future. Living to learn and learning to live.