Just Breathe

Natasha Kurien
2 min readJan 4, 2020


Photo by brooklyn on Unsplash

A fresh slate,
opportunities awash,
a new year,
new dawn,
the possibility of a new life —
or perhaps a chance to begin again.

Breakaway from yesterdays,
unaccounted experiences,
half-open chapters,
dust-laden memories,
long lost ties —
broken for some time to come.

Begin with your thoughts,
discover yourself,
your innately beautiful talents,
that wonderful voice,
whispering the truth,
that you so voluntarily shrug away.

Listen to the sound,
of the wind blowing through the leaves,
the laughter of a child,
the sound of your feet
brushing against the grass —
the music, that nature has to offer.

Allow the world
to unfold before you,
one moment at a time —
pause, before rushing into tomorrow
with a whirlwind of anxiety,
and the need to always be in control.

Let go —
what has to come to you,
will, when it has to —
you are where you need to be,
seeing all that you need to see,
doing exactly what you have to do.

Be you, be real,
shed the filters,
the facade, the pretense,
the greed, the lust,
the unnecessary wants —
the ridiculous rants.

Feel the tranquility
that embodies you,
the blanket of safety,
the cushion of understanding
the lucidity of your thoughts —
the reality of your existence.

Connect with yourself,
uncover the many layers,
that you hide under,
that your voice stays muffled under
listen to what you have to say —
listen, to You.

Retract from the outside world,
with its lights and sounds —
the noisy doubt that you let
hover over yourself —
making you believe
that you are not enough.

Every minute
that you’re living
is preparing you for
what is to come
don’t let yourself think—
that you will not be enough.

Forgive, forget
begin again,
take life as it comes —
slow down,
catch up with yourself —
don’t forget to breathe.

Here’s to a whole new decade of who knows what- a Happy New Year to one and all :)



Natasha Kurien

On the road to self discovery-looking to make peace with the past, present and future. Living to learn and learning to live.