Natasha Jamil
2 min readJun 1, 2019


All of you would be wondering that what marshmallow feedback is….?

It was a challenge assigned to each team of four or five to make a tower made of spaghetti and to place marshmallow on top of it. And the tallest tower would win…yay!! you wish. It required teamwork, planing, effective communication between team members which is not an easy task for a team working for the first time.

What happened was that my team started with a plan and the strategy was to make the tallest tower of them all. I was helping with its construction and then we came across some communicating problems due to which one of our members got upset. This made all of our teamwork collapse, and we were unable to execute any kind of plan. But the good thing was that as all of us started to see our plan fail and realized our mistakes, all of us started to help to work out the things to make that tower work.

Well we failed. But it made us realize our mistakes for not communicating effectively and executing the plan as a team. It is important to listen to others and to make them feel comfortable and important, and these are the few things that makes a good team.

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