Automate Searching Google Using Python

Harnessing the Power of Python to Automate Google Searches

3 min readMay 28, 2022


In this digital age, where information is key, automating tasks can greatly enhance productivity. In this article, we explore how to harness the power of Python to automate Google searches. By leveraging Python’s capabilities, we can streamline the search process and extract valuable insights with ease. This code uses the Python libraries BeautifulSoup and Google to scrape the web for relevant links on a particular topic.

The Python library BeautifulSoup is used for web scraping and parsing HTML and XML documents. It provides tools for navigating, searching, and manipulating the parsed data, making it easier to extract specific information from web pages.

The following code imports the Search module from the Google library and searches the web-based on a string. The query variable holds the string to be searched. The num variable holds the number of searches we want to be returned. The stop variable ensures that the loop stops once the condition has been met. And the pause variable ensures there is a wait between queries.

Search For Websites Containing Information About The Guardian
Search For Websites Containing Information About The Financial times
Search For Websites Containing Information About The Economist

Other Methods: Using Googlesearch & Requests

Code: The code demonstrates the usage of the googlesearch library in Python to automate a Google search. It begins by importing the search function from the googlesearch module. The code then defines a search query, in this case, "The Economist." By calling the search function with the query and specifying num_results=1, it performs the search and retrieves the top result. The resulting search is stored in the search_results variable, which is an iterable collection. Lastly, the code uses a loop to iterate over the search results and prints the top result obtained from the Google search.

Code: The given code demonstrates the usage of the requests library in Python to send a GET request to the DuckDuckGo search API and retrieve search results. Firstly, the code imports the requests library. Then, a search query is defined, in this case, "The Economist." The code constructs a URL for the API request by formatting the query into the URL string. The requests.get function is used to send the GET request to the DuckDuckGo API, and the response is stored in the response variable.

Next, the code checks if the request was successful by verifying that the response status code is 200, indicating a successful response. If the request was successful, the code extracts the top search result from the response JSON by accessing the “AbstractURL” key. Finally, the top search result is printed. If the request encountered an error or the response status code is not 200, an appropriate error message is printed.

from googlesearch import search

# Define the search query
query = "The Economist"

# Perform the Google search and retrieve the top result
search_results = search(query, num_results=1)

# Print the top search result
for result in search_results:
import requests

# Define the search query
query = "The Economist"

# Send a GET request to DuckDuckGo search API
response = requests.get(f"{query}&format=json")

# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
# Extract the top search result from the response JSON
top_result = response.json()["AbstractURL"]

# Print the top search result
print("Error occurred while performing the search.")

Final Words

Harnessing the power of Python to automate Google searches opens up a world of possibilities for streamlining research and data gathering. By automating this process, users can save time and effort while leveraging the vast resources of Google. With Python’s versatility, automation becomes accessible to all, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

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