Easy ways to stimulate creativity

Anyone can be creative with a few easy tools.

Natasha Tyers
5 min readFeb 27, 2022
Several light bulbs hang from the ceiling, one is on an angle mid air as if coming back down to connect with the others.
Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels

There are days where everything is just too difficult to the point that even getting up can be a challenge. Sometimes these days can turn into weeks and you wonder where all that time has gone. I’ve been there, the ‘there’ where I would rather take a nap than be stuck typing up an article or studying that new algorithm or working on that webpage.

Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, sometimes you just need a little boost. A recent study showed that memory, imagination, and creative thinking all activated the bilateral hippocampus. The hippocampus regulates motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.

Like motivation and memory, creativity is something that anyone can learn from repetition. It may sound counterproductive but if you think of yourself as someone who has no creativity all you need to do is practice the act of being creative. The act itself is something that can be learned and honed into a skill to keep in your arsenal.

Gaming and timing

You would be surprised at what the human mind can come up with when it’s under pressure. By placing a timer on your ability to create something you are making it into a game. There is a reason why video games are so addictive. So if you can’t beat them why not join…



Natasha Tyers

ADHD survivor. Struggling binge eater. Occasional writer.