The Next Level

Natasja Rose
7 min readMar 3, 2022

You’ve written and published a book. What’s next?

Being your own boss isn’t easy, especially when you’re a writer.

Aside from actually writing a book, you’ve now got to advertise and market it, particularly for those few who prefer an actual book in their hands. Sure, word of mouth from satisfied readers is a great thing, but that momentum takes time to build, and future readers need to know that you exist, first.

I have a Facebook Author Page, consisting of book updates, release announcments, story prompts and funny writing memes, and Upcoming Events.

As a somewhat niche writer of Fiction and Fantasy, those Events usually mean a bookstall.

I ran my first one at St Ives Medieval Faire in 2015, barely a month after my second book went live. I made a lot of mistakes, that first stall, so I’m writing this article to help some of you avoid similar pitfalls.

It may seem scary, or overwhelming, but it really isn’t so bad. Any crippling social anxiety will be soothed by the awesomeness of people gushing…

