Link Between Anxiety & Brain Fog

Nathaniel Prince
5 min readJan 27, 2020

Anxiety is the most common form of mental illness around the globe today, yet less than 37% of people with Anxiety seek help. That’s 40 million adults in the U.S. alone living under the burden of Anxiety and possibly Brain Fog.

Brain Fog is also on a steady rise, which can be seen by looking at Google searches for Brain Fog over the last 15 years.

Rise in Brain Fog

We have all felt it, the fast heart beat, sweating in unusual places, skin flushes and a sudden lack of cognitive power.

Sounds a lot like falling in love, except Anxiety can be connected to depression, sleep disorders, irritability, chronic fatigue and many other symptoms including Brain Fog.

Brain Fog and Anxiety are interwoven, connected, and best of all, problems we can solve or at least, greatly improve! Lets dive into what separates them, inter-relates them, and how to reduce them both!


What is Anxiety? According to the medical definition of Anxiety, it is “a feeling of apprehension and fear, characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating and feelings of stress.

