An Easy, Fast, Personal CRM for Making and Maintaining Friendships

Nat Eliason
5 min readJan 23, 2019

Making and maintaining friends after college is hard.

For many, their employer becomes their new “dorm,” with all of the gossip, politicking, romancing, and drama that they miss from their college years.

But if you don’t work a normal job, say by being a freelancer, working at a small startup, or being on a remote team, you don’t even have the water cooler to fall back on. You’ll have your friends from college, and might meet some people at WeWork, but meeting new people and maintaining connection with the people you’ve met is challenging.

Social media promised to deliver a more connected world, but instead we got a firehose of outrage and privacy violations that’d make a stalker squirm. And besides, seeing what someone is doing on Instagram is not the same as staying in touch with them. It’s a passive process, devoid of any real connection, that fills the terrifyingly empty moments between activities or while pooping.

I’ve always wanted a system where:

  1. I could keep track of new people I was meeting.
  2. I could quickly see who was in any new city I was visiting.
  3. I could organize people, or reach out to people, with common interests.
  4. It wouldn’t take a huge amount of work to maintain.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled on this post by Khe Hy about creating a personal CRM and loved the idea. I’d toyed with a…

