The Mind of an Entrepreneur

The meaning behind Entrepreneurship is not what you think!

Nathaniel Renteria
4 min readOct 5, 2019

When people think about an entrepreneur, there are a few key words that come to mind: Money, being your own boss, and having a lot of free time. However, this is usually not the case. Without being too specific, entrepreneurs must work too. There are many stressful events in their life, some have to answer to people who fund their ideas and projects, many will have to work with people on their same level, and all of us have these issues:

So what makes them different from the average person?

Let’s answer that question in depth. To start, these people’s lives are not as glamorous as many think. A long road stretches ahead of them, and it’s not a walk in the park. Sacrifices are made, hard work is required. If you’re pursuing this path, you must want it all, the pain, the suffering, and the money, plain and simple.

I was watching a video called “How To Build Your Startup Team Full Of A Players,” by Dan Martell. (Here’s the video) A point in his video caught my interest, that being, “ There are two types of people; there’s people who need a to-do list, and there are people who create a to do list.”

You need to connect with good people who can take initiative and don’t need to be told what to do. They “Figure Shit Out!” As an entrepreneur, going solo and doing things on your own is nearly impossible. A good team, one who believes in your idea enough to work on it, is necessary. Sometimes, you might even have to answer to someone. To practice this profession doesn’t mean you are completely alone in your journey.

Furthermore, there’s a philosophy that interconnects with the pursuit of entrepreneurship: Stoicism, and many entrepreneurs follow this philosophy to get them through tough times.

Zeno of Citium, a philosopher from Athens, brought forth the idea that external events may not be in our control, but instead, our response to them can be controlled and relied on. Stoicism is a very good ideal to think about and follow, because in both lives of an entrepreneur and a regular person there are times when their ambition falters, and problems arise. It is up to them to deal with it, and practicing the stoic mindset is just one of many ways. (Stoicism can be compared to the “Figure Shit Out,” mindset in that they both deal with external problems)

What Do I Need To Be Successful?

To be an entrepreneur, is to be extraordinary. The life of an entrepreneur can’t be compared to that of an average person. An entrepreneur sticks out like a sore thumb, which makes identifying one relatively easy…as long as you know where to look. Here are some traits that stand out the most, and are arguably some of the most important aspects of an entrepreneur.


You won’t get anywhere without it. Thomas Edison said once, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” Maybe you didn’t know, but Thomas Edison wasn’t just an innovator of the light bulb; He was also an entrepreneur, even having been the founder of General Electric Co. His company would market his incandescent lamp and other products. He never gave up on his ambition, and this trait is one of his strongest.


The fact is, without a goal you’re lost in the land of entrepreneurs. That is a place you don’t want to be lost in. Not to sound like a prescription medication advertisement, but Debt, depression, a sense of loss; these are the feelings and effects that entrepreneurism may have on you. To get the most out of this profession, you should try and create something; A road map! List your goals, keep a calendar close. Having a goal is like the foundation of your building. Without it, everything else falls.

Risk-Taking And Creative Thinking!

An imagination and a unique way of thought is a beneficial adversary in this profession. Like the third law of Newton, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This can be inferred as a law of risk-taking, since every risky action comes with a reaction. Whether it is a beneficial or detrimental reaction might not be up to you, because you should have a Stoic mindset: Only your response can be controlled, not outside events. Luckily for you, you have a brilliant and creative mind that you should exercise for occasions just like the one where your business starts to go under! :D You are the solution, more specifically your mind. Creative thinking is valuable!


The reason I want to let this be the last thing you see, (and likely the last thing you remember) is because if all else fails, surround yourself with intelligent people. Preferably people who know more than you. This is another trait of an entrepreneur. You will always see a successful entrepreneur humble himself to learn from others. Not unlike Newton’s laws, if your dream is standing still and there is no force from you, then that dream won’t move forward. However, if you push, and that dream begins to move; never let that force change, because you want that dream to keep moving! Have a fantastic day!

Hey! I’m Nathaniel Renteria. If you want to see more insights on mindsets, philosophy, and technology, follow me here and on my LinkedIn!



Nathaniel Renteria

Writing articles on emerging tech, people, and impactful solutions to the world’s problems.