PH Pre colonial art from the museum of Anthropology (PARTDES)

Natalie Gilbert
3 min readSep 24, 2017


We were given the task to find 5 artifacts from the national museum of anthropology that represents precolonial art in the Philippines.

This first image I have chosen are burial jar covers which for me clearly represents how during pre colonial time we did not bury our deceased relatives in coffins with symbols of crosses or anything of signifance to catholicism/christianity but in jars with head figures on them which shows our pagan beginnings.

This second image I have chosen also reflects our beliefs during that time and how there was no medicine yet to treat family members who are sick so to cure their ill family member they would put these wooden “idols” in their home and offer it rice and also the bigger wooden idol is used to protect the crops against birds which was their version of the western scarecrow.

This 3rd image I have chosen because I thought that this was so innovative during that time. that they already have pots and bags to put tobacco and other personal belongings in long before the Spaniards came and other influencers we were already much very innovative.

This 4th image I have chosen also really represents our pre colonial period. Having our own language and our own “alphabet”. Before being taught Spanish or English we already had a way of communicating with each other thru Baybayin. This particular one was found in Laguna during the 10th century.

For My 5th and last image I chose this wooden grave markers because it shows that we already gave much respect to our deceased even before we were colonised and we were very much a civilisation already when they came around its just that they altered our grave markers into crosses but really we already had the concepts of respect, innovation, and modernization even before we were colonized and taught what we were by them.

