Maximizing Family Time and Improving Bonding

Nathalie Bevis
3 min readNov 3, 2023
Nathalie Bevis and family

Families tend to spend insufficient time together due to various activities that occupy their time, such as work and school, especially during weekdays. Studies show that even a small amount of time spent together can strengthen family ties significantly and influence several positive outcomes. Parents engaging with their kids in school activities can positively impact their academic success. Also, time spent helps develop a child’s social skills by allowing them to watch and learn ideal communication and behavioral skills from their parents.

Spending time together as a family helps improve mutual understanding. It creates an opportunity for individuals to express their feelings and thoughts and discuss openly with each other. They learn each other’s likes and dislikes and learn to cooperate and live in harmony. In addition, it is a great opportunity to provide a safe space for expressing reservations and resolving conflicts.

To improve family bonding, the first step is to schedule a specific family time to ensure quality time is well utilized. This involves looking at every member’s schedule and curating workable periods during which activities can be planned.

While maximizing time spent together is a good idea, focusing on quality and not just quantity is very important. Activities should be suited to the satisfaction or enjoyment of each family member. A good activity to engage in is playing games. Games, ranging from board games to card games, video games, and educational games, can help foster communication and engagement, particularly those that encourage teamwork and communication. Families can set out a night each week to play games.

Engaging in outdoor activities is also a good idea. These activities can include camping, gardening, or scavenger hunting. Apart from the physical and mental benefits of these activities, they are also great for learning useful survival skills like navigation, resourcefulness, cooking, fire-making, and first aid. Children can also learn about nature and enhance their problem-solving skills.

Another great way to bond is to do chores as a family. Not only is it an opportunity for the family to spend time together, but it is also a great way to make chores, which are rarely fun, more enjoyable and easier. It also helps properly apportion activities age-appropriately and ensure no one is overworked in the home.

There are numerous ways to make chores more engaging, such as implementing a reward system for completing activities, like snacks or playing games. Making chores competitive or setting themes around them can make them more fun.

Interacting with other families is also a good idea. This can help families learn from each other how to resolve issues and engage in fun activities together. In addition, it helps improve social skills and communication. One can invite other families to an outdoor activity like a picnic, barbecue, or sports game.

Also integral to family bonding is setting aside time to spend alone and catch up on each other’s lives. This can be done in various ways, such as during dinner, a special date night, or regular family meetings. Family vacations are also great. They allow family members to experience new environments and create memories together.



Nathalie Bevis

A resident of New Albany, Ohio, Nathalie Bevis has volunteered with Open Hands