How I created the perfect CRYPTO SCAM

Ma Vie Est Géniale
3 min readJan 22, 2018

I’m part of the pre-ICO. I love their project and today, I received the following email from the Experty Team:

This prevention email was sent from their official email ( I am well aware of all the scams that occur in the crypto world and up to this day, I thought that if I received an email from the official email address, it was an official email. (that’s what they told myself today).

But, I was wrong. Let me show you how I sent an email to myself from their own official email.

First, I created a free account on FastMail using the name “Experty Team”. In the email section, I clicked on USE MY OWN DOMAIN and wrote down “”.

Then, I just had to confirm that I owned the domain by giving my phone number to which they would send a verification code.

Finally, I just copied the email I had received from the official team and sent it to myself !

And here it is !

If you look closely at the end of the email, you’ll see that it actually isn’t an official email.

This is really frightening! From the receivers view, it really looks like an official email even if it was actually sent by me !

The worst part of it is that someone as unexperienced as myself was able to create such a perfect scam email within minutes (feel free to follow the tutorial and try it for yourself).

Now what?

From what we just learned, we can conclude that any email we receive can potentially be a scam (even if it was sent by the official email address!)

Therefore, we must be very careful about the links we click, NEVER send sensible information via email and NEVER send cryptos to an address received via Email !


This is a much bigger issue than just the Experty ICO as it can affect any crypto project and even more!

Thanks for reading and feel free to correct me if I made spelling mistakes :)

