Old Friend (part 1) — a two part series on Depression and Recovery


Depression — one line art — Dall-e-2

(Trigger Warning: mental illness, depression, violence)

Hey all,

This is a two part series I wrote last summer as I struggled with depression. The first half portrays depression as a terrifyingly calm return home. The second (linked here) was an admittedly strange (yet surprisingly effective) attempt to anthropomorphize depression and direct my anger at it to motivate my recovery.


Welcome Home

No one warns you
How warmly she welcomes you
How comforting and sober she sounds

They dont tell you
How confidently she lays claim
To the voice of Reason
How gently she wields it
to suggest
Maybe Hope
was never part
of the Real You

She crafts apathy
from the wonders of the world
weaves calm
Out of the viscous black

How terrifyingly peaceful it is
that Depression
feels like coming home
How every time
you wonder
if you’ll ever leave again

