15 Reasons Why You Should Work at Raven

Nate Baker
4 min readOct 16, 2014


This is how fun it is to wear a Raven shirt.

I’m Nate. I work at a company called Raven. That’s me pretending to play that stringed thing.

I’ve been at Raven for 5 years now and I love it. (That’s like 500 years in millennial years by the way.)

Marketers use our online software to craft marketing reports in minutes. We’re how thousands of marketers prove to clients that their work is making money.

We’re hiring and we’ll be hiring for a while.

When I share our latest openings on social media, a few friends always reach out: “Hey Nate, this looks like something that could be for me. Why is Raven awesome?”

I thought I’d convert my replies into a blog post so I can include a link in future responses.

If you live in Nashville, are willing to move to Nashville or have a friend you want to send to Nashville, this post is for you — Careful now. So far I’ve recruited two team members so far. I’m pretty convincing.

Here’s why you should come work with me.

  1. We have big-ass Apple monitors. (Sometimes this is all you have to tell people.)
  2. Our whole team now has greater flexibility in how much we want to work from the office or from home. Many of us work remotely for part of the week. We call it a hybrid working environment.
  3. When you are in the office, it has a library atmosphere so it’s easy to focus in on work. Well, except for the times Slack spills into the real world and there are bursts of laughter and then catching people up on the joke. Why is it so quiet? We don’t have a phone system, which is my love language.
  4. I feel trusted. I’m not micromanaged. It doesn’t matter if I randomly leave to take a walk or break to grab some coffee.
  5. I get over 20 days paid vacation a year. That’s a month off if I tried to take it all at once.
  6. We get paid really well for Nashville tech companies.
  7. We have a beer fridge and 7 or 8 pinball machines.
  8. We do cutting edge stuff with a small, powerful team. Stuff like launch whole new products.
  9. When family or health issues come up, I’m treated like family. The team steps up to fill in for me. No problem.
  10. We have an awesome mix of men and women which is very rare among small tech companies.
  11. Our founders aren’t scared of hard business decisions, which is why we’re so well positioned as a company.
  12. We have no VC funding. Why would you want someone besides your company running or owning the company? We run this town.
  13. Raven lets you volunteer during work hours if you have a side passion. I used to teach a computer class to homeless people every week.
  14. Since we’re always evolving, there’s lots of room to eventually grow within the company. For instance: I started in education, then moved to social media, then moved into content marketing.
  15. I’m surrounded by people who are smarter than me.
Raven’s pinball collection

Because I’m flanked by smart people, I’m always learning something new. I’m learning tons related to my job and tons not related to my job. I’m on the marketing team, but a friend on the coding team used to teach me how to code over lunch once a week.

So far, I’ve built an app that emails me when new movie listing are posted at the dollar theatre near my house.

Why yes, both of those look very good for a dollar.

So… What’s missing from the list?

See what I did there? That’s a trick question. You need to come work with me in order to know what’s missing.

Maybe the only thing that’s missing is you.



Nate Baker

Hi, I’m a business analyst for Chess.com, on the ChessKid team. Also, I love designing board games and playing chess.