9 Smaart shortcuts that will make your life easier

Nathan Lively
3 min readMar 1, 2019


One of the first steps in the Audio Analyzer Verification Checklist is to verify that Smaart is receiving all inputs. You can do this very quickly by pressing play on all inputs and then pressing the 0 (zero) key.

#2 Align all visible traces

Shift-click on any magnitude trace to align all visible traces at that frequency.

#3 Clear All dB Offsets

Now that you’ve made a mess by offsetting all your traces, Kondo your screen by clearing all offsets on visible traces with command+Y. If any hidden traces have offsets, they will be maintained.

#4 Hide all visible traces

When working with multiple microphones you can quickly fill the screen with saved traces. To clean it up, use command+shift+H to hide all visible traces.

#5 Quickly zoom in for detailed work

I recommend you edit your zoom presets to

  1. 30–400 Hz
  2. 200–2000 Hz
  3. 2–10 kHz
  4. 10–18 kHz
  5. Default

Now you can quickly navigate between them with option+1–5. Note that option+5 will return the currently selected graph to default view, but clicking on the perimeter of the Magnitude or Phase graph will return both Magnitude and Phase graphs to default view.

#6 Scroll

This is such a helpful one and a lot of people don’t know it. Most commonly I use it to scroll around the Y-axis of the Phase graph to make it easier to read. Combine this with my earlier post about flattening the phase and you’re in business.

Another common use is scrolling left and right on the X-axis after entering a zoom preset. Maybe I have zoomed into the low end to look at a crossover alignment and I need to scroll a few Hz to the right for more information.

#7 Recapture

A good way to keep your data bar organized is to avoid unnecessary traces. If you realize you’ve made a mistake, instead of saving a new trace, recapture an old one. Select the old trace and press shift+command+space.

#8 Stop the generator

There’s no need to continue running the generator while you are capturing and naming a trace. Quickly hit the G key and then the space bar to stop the generator right before you capture the trace.

#9 Get rid of the clock

Why does every audio analyzer think you need a clock? I guess it’s nastalgia from SIM3.

Use option+k to get rid of it. Simply pressing k will switch back and forth between the clock and the SPL meter.

What’s your favorite Smaart shortcut? Let me know in the comments below.

Originally published at www.sounddesignlive.com on March 1, 2019.

