The ever growing digital world and it’s limitless capabilities.

Nathan Franga
3 min readJul 31, 2014

As most people who have access to a computer and some form of internet are aware how fast the “Digital world’’ is growing and how that may affect us as the human race. As technology continues to grow and rapidly change, the internet opens up and grows stronger as new platforms of social media and dynamic platforms appear and leave the mark on society and ones social life. It creates endless educational and leaning possibilities as information is constantly being shared across cyberspace and it makes it easier to access information compared to how it would have been gained when the internet was in a weaker form or years ago when cyberspace barely even existed. The digital world has no structure and little balance as it can be compared to flowing water, it usually just naturally adapts to how it is randomly accessed and used by people.

But is this digital world really a good thing in the long run?As powerful and convenient this technology seems to be, people seem to get a little too comfortable using it and often take it for granted. So much information is shared across cyberspace that it has actually made it hard for print media companies and journalism. People who work in these industries are actually losing their jobs as ways of gathering and telling the news has almost completely changed and made various techniques of gathering information as a journalist to be rather useless in a way. People are very reliant to gathering information and news across cyberspace and the result is the decline in print media. But just as many jobs are available in digital media so its not all bad as one field is dead and another one has life.

By the end of 2013 there are more cell phones than people. This shows us that a change has really happened and the digital world has only grown stronger in time, as people have access to it on multiple platforms. But the question is, will the digital world grow so powerful in many years to come that it will replace the world we are tethered to? Or at the very least become just as significant if not more. Could this ultimately be a bad thing? At the moment, cyberspace is still in a very primitive stage, as it can continue to grow so much more. What im trying to get across is how it will grow in the future and what it potentially will become and how it will affect the human race. Do we as human beings really want our lives to be controlled by cyberspace? Do we really know what may happen if it continues to grow in time? We really should take the time and think of the positives and negatives of cyberspace and if we really should invest so much time in it.



Nathan Franga

Globalisation is the process of interaction and integration, I like to view it as an ever changing subject that is caused by many nations.