CS373 Spring 2022: Nathan Gates Week 5

Nathan Gates
3 min readFeb 20, 2022


1. What did you do this past week?

This past week I took and did decently well on all of my exams! I also completed my third Cloud Computing assignment about 5-machine distributed data processing. I also helped organize and run Texas Ballroom’s first social dance of the semester, which luckily didn’t get cancelled by a freeze this time!

2. What’s in your way?

In my way is just simply a massive amount of tasks to accomplish in a very limited time frame. I need to work on two massive large group projects (including this one), prepare for another exam, complete an individual project for my mathematics course, organize and run the week’s Texas Ballroom meetings, complete applications for Texas Ballroom’s submission to the Pillars of the Forty Acres, and figure out a time to go to Dallas to pick up equipment that Texas Ballroom Alumni accidentally moved away with and we desperately need in the near future.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week I will be knuckling down and chipping my way through the tasks I listed above. It is imperative that I get all of these things done, so I will just have to sit down and do my best to take them out sequentially!

4. What did you think of Paper #5: Single Responsibility Principle?

I read this paper in my previous CS371p: Object Oriented Programming course. However, the re-read was very useful. It re-highlighted a lot of ideas to me, and made more sense that it did three semesters ago. I felt like I understood the reasons behind the claims in the paper, and felt much more like I personally agreed with it.

5. What was your experience of types and recursion? (this question will vary, week to week)

I have had lots of experience with types and recursion in the past, but not necessarily with python. However, I am glad to see that many facets of types are indeed very similar to Java, C, C++, etc. I felt like the transition was very easy. Recursion as a concept however, I am very comfortable with. I have been writing recursive programs for years, and I feel like I understood and felt confident with this week’s material.

6. What made you happy this week?

It made me very happy that I did well on all of my exams! I didn’t have much time to prepare for them on top of regular responsibilities, so doing well on them all anyway was a huge pick-me-up!

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is Pillars of the Forty Acres! If you are involved in any Registered Student Organization on campus, Pillars of the Forty Acres is a program which features many different tasks and criteria to accomplish across a year-long span, which focuses on community engagement, individual betterment of our members, better organizational practices, and volunteering service. Completion of the Pillars program earns your organization recognition and responsibility advertising, and a shot at monetary award as well! Texas Ballroom has completed the Pillars program every year for the last three to five years, and it has only benefitted our organization!

