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Nathania's Quill
2 min readJul 1, 2022

You will look at Ada, and you will smile. You will look at her precious legs and imagine them snapping into two. You will see yourself on the grand stage at the MUSON centre, playing the lead role; the one that’s sure to go to Ada, and you will make up your mind.

Ballet is your life and your love. It is the elixir that runs through your veins; that keeps your heart pumping. Until Ada comes along with her slim legs and luscious skin and flexible muscles and perfect form. She snatches your dreams away, and her brilliance belittles you into nothing more than a shadow.

Today, as you were walking into the studio, you slipped. You noticed that one of the paving stones had come loose. That’s dangerous, especially in front of a dance studio. It could end someone’s career if they got injured. You were going to tell everyone to be extra careful when entering or leaving the studio.

You were until you overheard the teachers discussing while you were in the changing room. Ada was going to get the lead role, and auditions hadn’t even started yet. Everyone should get a chance to audition. You should get a chance to audition.

This is why you will look at Ada in her blissful ignorance. You will smile and laugh with her, and tell her how beautifully effortless her pirouettes are. You will lurk behind when she’s skipping out of the studio. You will listen for her scream as she twists and breaks her ankle. You will mask your joy, and rush to help her. You will call the ambulance and follow her to the hospital.

You will sob with her and calm her down. You will nod as she tells you not to worry about her. You will grasp her hands in solidarity when she assures you that you will get the lead role. You will go home and practice your hardest.

