Statutory Rape Is an Outdated Concept

Nathaniel Hébert
1 min readJul 30, 2019


by Alan M. Dershowitz — The Los Angeles Times- 07 May, 1997 • Page 223

Should we really be letting this guy represent men ‘wrongfully accused’ of statutory rape?

Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz who represented Jeffrey Epstein, wrote an article in 1997, advocating the age of consent should be pushed down to 15 years of age!

Advocating sex with children?

“Reasonable people can disagree over whether it should be as low as 14. Fifteen would seem seem like an appropriate compromise.”

Signalling much?

Link to the original article as it appeared in The Los Angeles Times:



Nathaniel Hébert

Creative Director of Winter-Hébert, a design studio located in the wilds of rural Quebec, with a focus on print, visual identities, and typography.